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Posts posted by leslie10646

  1. As well as selling my kits and RTR wagons, I will be selling the Modern Image, unused, collection of our late friend Steve Rafferty (aka "Lamberg Man"). I'll produce a list later this week which includes locos, Cravens and bubbles.

    I'll also have the superb BOOKS on Irish Narrow Gauge, as published by Lightmoor Press, includng the new Traleee and Dingle book at a Show Price of €60 (RRP £60 sterling).

    • Like 3
  2. All being well, I'll be there, with one or two new wagons, already announced. Please light candles, etc on 12th and 14th when they are on the factory worksheet!

    I'm just off the phone to Michael Rayner, aka "My Man". The very bad news is that he is retiring. As an Octagenarian, I can't blame him! (A couple of weeks in hospital haven't helped either).

    Theoretically, I will still be able to get my kits made through the new Smallbrook owner, but maybe it's time to retire myself?

    I have been building up stock, ready for Blackrock, but some kits will be in limited supply so if you have specific needs, now's the time to have me reserve them.

    As usual, either PM me, or send an e-mail to me.

    Like Patrick, if the Steam announcement isn't made in October, I'll get very upset, maybe not to the extent of needing the Samaritans! At my age, pre-ordering stuff is a risk!

    PS Good luck with your "New Arrival", Mr Mogul.

    • Like 7
  3. 2 hours ago, WRENNEIRE said:


    If Carlsberg did rail cleaners
    Probably the best rail cleaner around
    Uses a chemical to clean so no scratching with rubbers etc










    Thanks for the heads up, David. Every time I've looked at it it appears to be out of stock everywhere.

    • Like 1
  4. My brass coach-building / IRRS Drawings man, Richard McLachlan is heavily involved with various Scale Four Society projects.

    Why do you ask?

    PS Ivan is certainly not "messing"  with his P4 stuff, neither is Richard, whose work is exquisite. I'm not sure if he's building DNGR coaches or more K15s for me at present .....

    • Like 1
  5. I'm preparing for Blackrock and it occurred to me that some of you might like a copy of the Tralee and Dingle book.

    I am prepared to supply the book, picked up at Blackrock, for €60 a copy (normally UK Sterling £60).

    Either PM me to put in a pre-order, or e-mail me


    Profit to Irish preservation funds.


    Leslie  (for The Syndicate)

    • Like 1
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  6. Isn’t the best way to preserve the 071s to rip out the Diesel engine (good as it is) and stick a pantograph on the roof, put some electrical wizardry in its place and, Hey Presto, you have an electric loco fit for another thirty years.

    I’m assuming that the All-Ireland Plan goes ahead and we have wires almost everywhere. 

    For the non- wired bits - stick a battery in a few of them.

    PS if IE takes up this splendid idea, my lawyers will be in touch, re consultancy fees.

    • Funny 2
  7. There is a page in the September "Today's Railways" (European edition) on this report.

    So, there'll be trains through Armagh again? All I have to do is live to be 102!

    And Banbridge!!!!!

    I note that the cost of the Northern Ireland section is equal-ish to the price of a couple of aircraft carriers - so all we have to do is persuade Rishi / Kier Starmer to cancel the next one and get on with it. If Ireland can do without a big army / navy / airforce - then so can we? Oh, and we could rejoin the EU and let sanity return .........

    • Like 5
  8. Yes, Dave, the Royal Mail's International prices are a nightmare for anyone trying to trade. I was sending a book to Australia and the guy at the counter asked for £20 plus (so doubling the price of the book - it was Tony's latest).

    However, if you study their rates and are prepared to do some the work yourself - the cost just about halves. Perhaps this guy is a bit lazy re keeping the costs down to his customers?

    I had a look at the Addresspal thing, as Sean suggests, but note that you're still landed with not just the VAT but a charge for them telling you what you owe. Bearing in mind that it's all done by computer and no human hands touch it - it makes the average Company for Theft and Murder look reasonable in their dealings.

    I've deleted the expletives about the Little Englanders who took us out of the EU.

    • Like 3
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  9. "Of course, this is going to take a lot of time, money, and manpower – we plan to launch a fundraiser over the next few weeks, which will hopefully include a surprise or two."

    OK, IRM, who much are you goi ng to pay me not to spill the beans about your first Irish steam loco?


    • Like 1
    • Funny 4
  10. First, thanks for the various pointers to evidence which has helped me get these wagons sorted out (I hope).

    The first two will be the grey variants and if they sell, then I'll produce the "Brown" variation which Mr Flange has illustrated above. JB tells me that they had a BROWN roof as well as body, so that'll add a bit of colour to your trains - hopefully for Bangor 2024, (DV).

    Now,  a short update.

    I signed off the artwork for both wagons ("Snail" and "Broken Wheel") about ten days ago and have a date when they are supposed to be made at Chirk, near Wrexham.

    I live in hope that I'll have them for Blackrock.


    • Like 11
  11. 14 hours ago, leslie10646 said:

    I'm horribly torn between "Andromeda" for Her Indoors, who loves 37s and has seen this one growling through Goring and a Full Bling Glasgow Eastfield Scotty Dog one. The Full Bling ones (minus the West Highland Terrier) used to pass our timeshare in the Dovey Estuary en route to Aberystwyth - you could hear them clearly from tow miles away as they restarted from Dovey Jct!!!

    "Wish" registered!

    Actually, John, I was thinking of one in BR Green as it was close-ish to UTA green and simply say that the UTA had one over on trial (after some fiddling with the wheels, a la Jinty .....  Trouble is, they're a later sixties job and the story doesn't sit well with GN locos in blue and mahogany coaches.

    Of course I could invoke Lord Blarney's Rule Number One - "It's My Layout and I'll run what I like on it! (And I do).

  12. I'm horribly torn between "Andromeda" for Her Indoors, who loves 37s and has seen this one growling through Goring and a Full Bling Glasgow Eastfield Scotty Dog one. The Full Bling ones (minus the West Highland Terrier) used to pass our timeshare in the Dovey Estuary en route to Aberystwyth - you could hear them clearly from tow miles away as they restarted from Dovey Jct!!!

    "Wish" registered!

  13. On 18/8/2023 at 9:43 AM, Northroader said:

    Perhaps, Leslie, if you can do a photo of beneath the loco looking up, folks can get a better idea of how the leading coupled drivers are mounted?

    I'll oblige later this week.

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 17/8/2023 at 10:42 PM, Tullygrainey said:

    To clarify what I posted on 13.08, Smallbrook Studio does indeed sell individual parts from its ranges of kits. An email specifying your needs is all that's required to initiate an order.


    Like Alan, I've had this from the Horse's Mouth, as I pointed Michael at this thread. Alas, Michael has just spent a weekend (at least) in hospital hence the delay to me posting this.

    He will be especially forthcoming if you're modelling something out of the ordinary - he is a great fan of Rowland Emett, so the zanier the better.

  15. Thank you Mr G More for posting the article about Drew - I knew that he was a clever man, but the thought which he clearly put into every aspect of his modelling just shines through.

    I wonder if a modern electric model could manage the loads which his locos took with ease!

    Bob, never mind the lining, it's a jaw-droppingly nice model of a most unusual loco - as I said above, the contents of those boxes just get better and better.

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