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Posts posted by leslie10646

  1. Time for more of Bob's modelling genius. I think that this is a 47 Class, built 1879 - 1887.




    If you think the engine's nice, wait until you see the TRAIN!


    Individual photos of the wagons, which are masterpieces, tomorrow.

    Bob, what comes out of these boxes, just gets BETTER and BETTER!!!!


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  2. On 16/7/2023 at 1:34 PM, Branchline121 said:

    Reminds me of these Swiss yokes:


    They used electricity to heat the water, without the use of fire! Although looking cool, I'd imagine they were a bit of a hassle, as they were only built like this for the war and reverted soon after.

    I believe I had seen this strange beast before and it seems a pretty nutty idea - but if you've been to the Swiss Transport Museum in Luzern, you'll see the staggering complexity of the earlier Swiss electric locos and railcars.

    Maybe Peter Scott of the RPSI should make No.105 with a pantograph for when the main lines in Ireland are electrified? Personally, I favoured a small small nuclear reactor - no shortage of steam!

  3. On 27/7/2023 at 3:38 PM, Darius43 said:

    From an old album of photos from an Interail trip that I did with some friends from Belfast between school and university.

    Berlin ‘83






    Looks a bit different now…



    A good use of your time, Darius.

    You didn't explain that your photos were all taken from the West. When I was there (but in the EAST) in 1973, I did take a minute off from steam trains to walk down the Unter den Linden and visit the Brandeburg Gate. The avenue was a smart tre--lined street ending at the Gate which was heavily guarded! The British Embassy was a small shop between two of the Linden Trees - with photos in the window from the four corners of the Realm - including a fine shot of Derry's Walls!

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  4. 6 minutes ago, murphaph said:

    I have about a dozen words Leslie. My wife can speak it well enough though so she does all the talking 🤣

    It would have been handy to have known her in 1973 (my first visit) and 1975 when I ended up under house arrest - it's a long story .....

    I hope that you enjoyed your Ham and Eggs this morning for breakfast - sensible people the Hungarians - know what a decent breakfast should be.

    • Funny 2
  5. On 29/4/2023 at 9:13 AM, murphaph said:

    The long awaited €49 or "Deutschland Ticket" goes live on Monday. As expected it's a subscription model but it can be subscribed to and more importantly cancelled digitally from many of the numerous tariff area apps and websites. If you plan a couple of weeks in Germany then even as a tourist it makes sense to subscribe and cancel before the 10th of the month. I can see myself occasionally buying one if there's a series of trips planned in a month. The clear winners are medium and longer distance commuters though. A person in the next town out from here is no longer in the Berlin ABC zonal area and pays about 1400 a year for their ticket. That will now be a lot less.




    Hi Murph. As I made my way through Germany on my First Class Innterrail Pass, the trains didn't seem too full, but in places DB simply don't provide enough stock. A single unit in the Black Forest area had about double the number of passengers to seats and trains by Lake Constanz were also jammed. Meanwhile, the Uk has been cutting up perfectly good EMUS!

    Enjoy Hungary - how's your Hungarian - a unique langauge!

  6. An especially good post of photos, Ernie.

    The Inchicore shot is well-known to we oldies, but interesting to see the D17 on the old WL&WR. I'm pretty sure I have never seen a photo of a Woolwich crossing the Shannon - something they did every day throughout the early Fifties, but seems to have been little captured. Shots showing anything of the roundhouse at Broadstone are pretty rare.

    Thanks for capturing these and letting us see them.

    • Like 1
  7. Congratulation on the nice double beet set - hopefully it'll encourage others to have a go - must get more made for Blackrock!

    The 4 VEG is a very fine piece of work. As 4 VEPs, I travelled in one every morning to work from Farnborough and how I remember the blue moquette which you have done so well.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Now, the cab of No.157.


    We thought that the driver was a dead ringer for "Pearse" played by Sean Connery in the Film - although he didn't appear on the loco, too busy getting himself an ASBO for walking on carriage roofs!

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  9. Again, my apologies to Bob fro not opening his treasure trove more quickly. Holidays have got in the way, but the arrival of 00 Works' No.186 demanded that I open the box called "GSWR Goods 1900". This is what was inside!


    When I extracted the brake van, I thought: "That looks familiar". Of course it does, I do a kit of it in 4mm!

    Close-ups of No.157.


    I'll photograph the individual wagons later. Another lovely model, Bob. Thanks.

    By the way, if you double-click in either image you'll get a BIG version of the image and can enjoy Bob's handiwork the more. You probably all knew that anyway?

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  10. Watching this T Tank update with interest, Patrick.

    Of all my brass kit-built locos they probably gave me least trouble, apart from the trucks shorting against the frames on my curves.

    I purchased a THIRD one which had had clever surgery done to the kit and runs brilliantly, so I  planned to update the others, but your method might be worth trying, if you continue .......

    • Like 1
  11. Time to let another genie out of the box! Masterpieces from Rob and Rod? Obviously Bob's J15 No.157 in GSWR green, just extracted from its box and Roderick's version with the Z Boiler, which being 4mm scale is dwarfed by it!


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  12. Ah, thanks, Flange! I sent other samples to Dapol to use, so they'll do their best with "their orange"!!!!

    The evidence of the wagon with the dual colour wheel is gratifying though. Thanks - At least I can't be accused of "making it up"!

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Flying Snail said:

    Great to see that they're happy with the level of interest they're getting in the J15 - they've done a few Irish locos to date and hopefully will do more in future. I've put an order in for 186

    Guess what the Postie has just delivered?


    Now my No.184 has her sister in the shed!

    I feel a visit to Kernow in Guildford coming on  - to get her chipped, then I'll give her a few laps of the railway and see if she can pull a Fairs Special!

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  14. Flange Lubricator said:   A very difficult picture to find however if you look through the wonderful IRRS flickr site and look in the Tom Davitt collection there is a picture at Liffey Junction of a GNR 1795 Bogie wagon and in the background is a ex GNR covered van with pressed steel ends and a  white CIE roundell .

    Thanks, Mark, that's a useful reminder. The photo before is a brown / bauxite example with the plain white "Wheel". So, that's that sorted! I had photos of the plain white / grey combination, it's the Orange (tan?) / white wheel with grey that I really sought. The "orange" would make a dull wagon a little more interesting?

    I'd been through the "Wagon" album on Ciaran's brilliant site (for the rest of you - access to it is a good reason to be a IRRS member!). without seeing it! Now, I'll trawl the other "Photographer" albums - a lot of evidence is hidden behind other things, as Mark has spotted here. Thanks for the reminder!

    Father Tom took some very interesting photographs and I remember him from his days in London when he put up with my youthful enthusiasm when we both sat on the IRRS London Area committee.

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  15. JB said:  The GNR bagged cement wagons, I can attest, did indeed survive not only into "broken wheel" times, but also the latter-day (1970-6) brown livery with broken wheel. I saw several thus - one, I recall, at Templemore, another in Rock St goods yard in Tralee. Both brown - therefore, they would obviously have also been grey before that! So, you can have GNR grey, flying snail grey, broken wheel grey and broken wheel brown, if so inclined!

    That's what I'm doing, JB. After going through every book I own, several photo collections and Ernie's wonderful archive, I still can't find an example of the middle one (Grey plus Wheel). But, as I said on the other thread, enough  to be pretty sure of what they looked like. So that's today's job, putting the instruction to Dapol together.

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  16. 12 minutes ago, jhb171achill said:

    Yes, it sold out some time ago. And following this launch, "West" will probably do so too. Last I heard, the publisher had about a dozen.

    JB  (and Barry) I'm sure that Wexford will sell out too. The books are useful, as others have mentioned, to modellers, but in all the series I can't find a photo of a GN Bagged Cement with a "Broken Wheel". Lots of good circumstantial evidence, which I will convert into my next wagon! Indeed, a good series.

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  17. Mark did Cattle, two different cover vans and a five plank I believe. All CIE.

    I am guilty of doing the cattle as well - as a SLNCR one. In reality, as John M says, they aren't close to Irish for the reasons he mentions.

    The Dapol Banana Van is an exception to the rule, which is why I produced three runs of it and have three more planned.


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  18. Not mine, Mark's, I think. 

    JB will give us chapter and verse, but I think the only Irish vans to have corrugated ends were the GNR 1954 cement vans (the one I'm doing) and some of the PAL vans?

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