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Posts posted by leslie10646

  1. 2 hours ago, airfixfan said:

    Richill .today


    Not at all, it looks like this .......

    The Shipper drifts through (a work in progress) Richhill this afternoon.

    I tried to reproduce the Drew shot, but my PP wouldn't touch a seventeen wagon plus brakevan train. On the other hand Roderick's wee UG just romps along with it!

    I hope that Galteemore LIKES the SLNCR interlopers.

    Wagons by - ah, I've forgotten (it's an age thing!).


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  2. LB

    You're dead right about the singling beyond Richhill, after which part of the old "Up" road became a relief siding. There was a southern crossover before the singling, but I don't know how far out it was. So it would have been retained in any case, I assume wherever it had been located.

    The cabin diagram (which is over the model of the station upstairs) gives no indication of how far away the crossover was - BUT it does show that there had been a siding there even in doubletrack days.

    • Informative 1
  3. Yes, it is indeed!

    Drew caught a lot of detail useful for attempting to model the place.

    Looking at it again today as I posted it, I realised that there was an overbridge to the South of the station - a useful way of hiding the "Rest of the World" on the model?

    I always knew about the bridge to the North - "Buntings Bridge" - still there - but the cutting has been filled in and  you'd be pushed to realise that there'd ever been a railway there.

    • Like 2
  4. During the coverage of King Charles's visit to The Province today, as the royal party was awaited at Hillsborough Castle, the commentator listed some of those attending the official declaration of sympathy on the passing of the Queen.

    "Train driver Noel Playfair and fireman Anto Dargan".

    Noel and Anto are the only Irishmen to have crewed a steam locomotive hauling a Royal Train - when the Queen travelled from Coleraine to Bellarena to open the new station there. The Royal Train engine was, of course, No.85 Merlin.

    I couldn't see them in the room, but the camera position only covered about half the attendees.

    A well-deserved honour.

    • Like 2
  5. 10 hours ago, Lambeg man said:

    While the GNR(B) ran the 'Enniskillen Shipper' on a daily basis up to the 1957 line closures, there is little photographic evidence of similar LENGTHY cattle specials in the succeeding years. By 1958 refrigeration was beginning to kick in, reducing the need for the mass movement of live beasts, Post 1957 the goodly cattle dealers operating in the West of Ireland would have consigned their cattle to Dublin rather than Belfast (if they used rail at all). I think I may be correct to say that no photographs of post 1958 cross-border goods trains show any cattle wagons in their consist. Neither do any 1960's photographers appear to have ever captured any lengthy cattle specials operating over UTA lines. I would be very pleased to be corrected on either statement!.


    Mutter, mutter, what's wrong with my GNR Cattle wagons?

    Like Mr LB, I can't think of too many photos of long cattle specials in the late 1950s / early 1960s. As I've previously commented on this forum, the CIE Weekly Notice used to have a couple of dozen PAGES of details of that week's arrangements for cattle specials. I think that the most I noted in the brilliant collection held by the IRRS was about FORTY pages. It usually went right down in detail to the name of the inspector attending the fair and how many drovers etc he would have with him.

    Back to The Shipper.

    This photo was given to me by the late Drew Donaldson when he searched for photos of the Centre of Universe for me. I believe that it shows a (short) Enniskillen Shipper drifting through Richhill behind GNR(I) P Class No.105. The wagons all appear to be standard GNR cattle wagons with a standard brake at the rear - all available from Provincial Wagons - you'll have to build your own Class P!


    Richhill is having a moment in the spotlight, as the gates of Hillsborough Castle (all over TV today as King Charles visits The Province) were PINCHED in 1745 from Richhill Castle. There was much comment on this during the commentary on the royal visit.

    Small world.


    • Like 4
  6. Looking forward to seeing those wagons in traffic.

    Dane, if I didn't put in builder's plates for the 1953 vans, remind me, please. I have new transfers of them in production.

    As they say, plenty more of these kits available from me .......

  7. I’ll reply more fully when back from Delays in Deutschland - but I can’t resist asking “would the horse at Fintona have been replaced by a Parry People Mover?”

    If DB and Eurostar get me home from Cologne tomorrow you’ll know soon enough!

    Another thought on Galteemore’s post above - how much would a month’s Interrail Pass cost to cover that map! Should have had another Black Bush, then I could have dreamt about how I’d cover the network (by steam, of course!)?

    Night, night

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  8. Hi Colin

    see Jon’s reply with which I agree but my GNR brake would been seen to 1965. 

    Also see North Wall’s post above which is accurate - I can supply these kits by return.

    I’ll be back for week or two next Wednesday, then I hope to be back Interrailing in Europe - at least the €9 tickets will be finished and people can get on trains again! 

    Greetings from Aalen, Baden Wurtemburg - TORRENTIAL rain here tonight - makes home look like a desert!

    Pray that it stops, please. I hope to have my first run with a Class 23 for 45 years tomorrow - I traveled behind fifty of them in 1970s. Super little 2-6-2s, built 1950s.


    The Site has just raised my “status” to Veteran!

    I should think so - at 76 I must be one of the ten oldest contributors!



    • Like 7
  9. Yes, I’ve got “Bomber” on tape - chilling to hear what a single cannon shell could do to a Lancaster. A brilliant book about the futility and nightmare waste that war is. 

    Before the War the Germans had a superb railway system, electrification under way …… not that the GB railways were lagging. Without the war we might have found out how good the 800s were?

    • Like 2
  10. Hi Majestic
    I have had a lot of fun with the website which I must close down.

    You can my kits from me  by emailing me on


    I’m Interrailing at the moment, but back in UK on  1 September. Almost every kit in stock.

    Glad that you thought that the kits produce good results!




    Email me on lesliemcalliister@aol.com and I’ll send pictures when back from Austria / Germany on 1 September.

    Yes, I’ll be at Raheny but let me know your needs before - I have been known to sell out of some kits!


    • Like 2
  11. Hi Majestic
    I have had a lot of fun with the website which I must close down.

    You can my kits from me  by emailing me on


    I’m Interrailing at the moment, but back in UK on  1 September. Almost every kit in stock.

    Glad that you thought that the kits produce good results!



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  12. On 24/7/2022 at 9:59 PM, Horsetan said:

    If it's any consolation, some branches of W.H Smith seem to think that Model Railway Journal is a top-shelf publication

    Actually, Ivan, it's not having the railway mags on the top shelf that's the issue, it's when they are on the bottom one and I can't bend down enough to reach them!

    • Funny 2
  13. Yet there it is; and not even 00 scale. In 0 gauge, as above posts point out, there's almost NOTHING Irish KIT-wise, never mind RTR.

    Come, come, JB,

    Alphagraphix has produced quite a few Irish kits - locos, coaches and wagons and now KMCE of this parish is doing his bit for the 36.5mm (?) folk as well.

    There is a post somewhere here of me suggesting a scan of one of my Brown vans and its re-creation as a 3D print (it WAS a very hot summer)......

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