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Posts posted by leslie10646

  1. 3 hours ago, Horsetan said:

    Nobody seems to have offered those beet wagons as a guess.

    As to the next powered model, who knows? Would be grand to see something steam outline, though. Something along the lines of a J15, mqybe.

    Wot's wrong with mine?

    200 in service to date .......

    Just ask young Robert Roche who sings tunefully in the choir of this parish - he's built a load of them!

    Buy 'em at Raheny!

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  2. 5 hours ago, jhb171achill said:

    Powered Fintona horse.

    4-wheel drive, eco-friendly fuel.

    I had no idea that you were so politically correct, but as has been observed there are interesting possibilities for re-liverying the motive power, whether called Paddy, Jimmy, or Billie  ......

    4 minutes ago, murphaph said:

    ....or something in between?

    In the spirit of earlier posts, I think that they are hoping to make a Korean Killing. Great trains for their passengers.

    As for Branchline, he doesn't need to wait for Raheny - the last Episode of "Bloodlands" is on Sunday night. I'll leave Police Commissioner Bracken to run a book on "Whodunit".

    • Like 2
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  3. 5 hours ago, Westcorkrailway said:

    3! at least spread them out between 3 different eras to save us 1 kidney! I suppose it’s time for predictions….probobly the biggest shot in the dark yet. 


    C class


    AEC railcar




    Park Royals

    ammonia wagon


    timber wagon

    maybe a CIE van simular to the banana wagons we saw earlier on this month 


    it will also be nice to see some of the decorated samples of things we already know are coming in the pipeline 

    None of those.

    Come on lads, which of "my" wagons are you going to do!

    • Funny 1
  4. Thank you Patrick, for the plug.

    If the Auto-Train's route takes him to Raheny he can take his pick from my kits of -

    Bulleid Open wagon

    1953 CIE van

    Flat wagon, with or wthout container

    CIE cattle wagon

    GSWR 10 ton brake van

    or a load of pre-Grouping wagons.

    If you're in Charles' Country, I'll send you a list!


    • Like 4
  5. Just  an early heads-up.

    The IRRS will be at Stand C22 - squeezed in beside a layout called Upwey Junction (I assume the one on the GWR main line near Weston super Mare?).

    I don't see an Irish layout listed - are any of you "owners" exhibiting?

    Obviously IRM will be there!


    • Like 1
  6. The sight of Ernie's Stranraer to Euston train brought back memories of journeys in that sleeper.

    A few years before, it would have been hauled by Britannia and a Black Five double-heading. Never managed to do that combo and it was this century before I added Stranraer to "Steam-hauled" Track Map.

    Latest addition to said map was joining Nurnberg to Bayreuth behind a "01" German Pacific three weeks ago!

    A useful "link" as it connected my travels with the Hof Pacifics in the 1970s with the rest of my "steam track" which makes its way back, by a rather wiggly line across Germany and Holland, via Hook of Holland (and a steam ship across the North Sea) to the nearest station to where I'm sitting now! It's only taken fifty years to make that connection.

    Time for bed, before I start weeping in memory of many eighty mile an hour runs with those Pacifics.........


    • Like 3
  7. Watching youse heroes play with wee thin brass thingies reminds me of a visit to Mr High Level's Stand with my Chief Mechanical Engineer, who also, like Dr Bracken, has a PhD.

    Mr HL picked out all manner of tiny bits with tweezers and put them in a wee dish, before decanting the lot into a paper bag and demanding my month's Pension in return.

    I suppose it was more than worth it, as my CME turned a recalcitrant 4-4-0 into a noble, strong model of its renowned prototype.

    I take my hat off to you for trying at all.

    Oh, Dave, they didn't teach Gaelic at the Royal Belfast Academical Institution either (Dr G's comment above refers). I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know how to say thank you in Irish, yet I know it in two versions of Chinese.

    • Like 3
  8. I agree with the others - great layout!

    Great rolling stock collection too (but then I would say that as they've come from me!). I did like the PALVan (not mine, I didn't get the response to my "would you like...." requests, but hey, who knows?).

    You're an inspiration.

    • Like 1
  9. The top photo is at one end of Old Mill Bay, I think it's the Magheramorne end with a loaded train.

    If I've compared photos correctly, this is the rear engine and he's not exerting himself! The photographer seems to be standing on the East side of the line. The line was crossed by the electricity lines from Ballylumford Power Station. One of the giant pylons is clearly visible in your photo. Lance King took a lot of shots in this area (from the West side, which seems to have given him better light), but while he had the signal in the photo and the actual wires, he managed to keep the pylon out of the shot!

    • Like 1
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  10. For folk in South of England, don’t forget to visit Scaleforum, the annual showpiece of the Scale Four Society.

    This year it is being held at the Cressex Community School, Holmers Lane, High Wycombe, HP12 4QA.

    Saturday 24th (10.30 to 17.30) and

    Sunday 25th September 2022 (10.00 to 16.30)

    I’ll be helping Richard McLachlan to run a stand on behalf of the Irish Railway Record Society. The emphasis will be on Richard’s drawings archive, available as books and digitally.

    However, if anyone attending needs any Provincial Wagons, I’ll make sure I have them with me!

    Hopefully we’ll see a few of you!

    Leslie (and Richard)


    • Like 3
  11. Oh yes, I do like these old GWR railcars (grandparents of our own AEC jobs.

    Great job, Darius!

    PS Just noticed that you're another man who still has bits of Fleischmann track around! My turntable (see "Portadown Junction") is surrounded by this track (being Fleischmann itself.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  12. Getting back to this year's exhibition calendar.

    Richard McLachlan and I are looking forward to "Raheny" at the end of October. It'll be light relief after a three month Interrail ticket! (actually, Richard was only on a two month one).

    Nothing new for you, but I'm building up stock in preparation for the event.

    Now, I can try and second guess what folk will buy, but it makes sense to ASK in advance, then I can get "My Man" (who is just out of hospital!!!!) to make the kits people want.

    So, if you want particular kits, I'll try and make sure I have enough.

    Please either e-mail me at


    or PM me.

    The list of wants is already growing .........

    Thanks, Leslie

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