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Posts posted by leslie10646

  1. 2 hours ago, Andy Cundick said:

    I'm just finishing my D.N.G.R saddletank so the way things go these days its a dead cert for early release Andy

    You could be right, Andy. I've already got the coaches from Hattons!


    1 hour ago, Patrick Davey said:

    This would be nice:



    Yes, please.

    I've got two  S Class already with another on the way.

    A "Q" would be great. But it won't be that, only one (?) livery, but The Boys could do every member of the Class ........

    • Like 4
  2. I thought that you were playing fast and loose with reality / history until I read the first post in the Thread. Consider the "Like" to be twice over. Nice building work, just as Mullingar was going. Sorry that that has been postponed!

    By the way, nothing fictional about an 800 at Amiens Street - plenty of photographic evidence

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  3. 11 minutes ago, jhb171achill said:

    My inside information tells me that it will be announced at precisely 11:50 on 31st February 2023.

    So, a sleeping car of some sort?

    a)  Push off, Beaumont, that was MY joke.

    b)  A six wheel sleeping car would be brilliant for use in Fairs Specials made up of a certain kitmaker's fine cattle wagons ........

    • Funny 5
  4. Thanks for that reminder, Mr Larne.

    We were living at 294 Merville Garden Village, Whitehouse at the time and our neighbours (the Skingles, yes Bob Skingle of RPSI Whitehead) were about to move to Holywood (on the other side of Belfast Lough) and were visiting their new house there. Mrs Skingle reported ambulances rushing along the road towards Bangor that day (the ship foundered off the Copelands). Next day, I remember my mother lamenting "Just 44 (?) saved".


    I have a 1200th scale model of her behind me here in the display cabinet, in interloper (she was built by Denny at Dumbarton) among models of Belfast-built ships like the unlucky sisters, Titanic, Britannic and the Olympic.


    On a happier note, the same storm saw the "Clan Macquarrie", on an empty voyage run aground on the island of Lewis. The 66 crew were rescued in what was the largest ever rescue by Breeches Buoy in history.

    • Like 6
  5. "Tears to your eyes GOOD", Robert, but then I would say that?

    Just brilliant execution of complex kit. I've now sold more of them than ever existed in real life!

    Still available, of course.

    That load only needs a single tank, Darius - but could be run with my GNR 20 ton brake, as they did in the early days of the contract.

    Keep up the great work Robert.

    • Like 2
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  6. Now, in the best traditions of the Time, a bit of Tape Cine and DiaDirect (with apologies to the Late Drew Donaldson)

    If Andy doesn't put up more himself ........

    I WILL !!!!!

    Well worth the train ride to Southampton!


    of the Goods .......

    • Like 3
  7. As Andy won't show pics of his latest creation, I will. The Book (you need to be up with the HHGTTG terminology), suggested that I hire The Heart of Gold to test its time travel capabilities. I found myself in 1930s Donegal, however infinitely improbable that was......

    The place, Bruckless on the Killybegs branch. "Forbes' taxi" (aka Railcar No.1) has just arrived with its trailer. Andy tells me that the "Taxi" was to carry EIGHT - the trailer had about thirty seats!IMG_4398.thumb.JPG.b97132d40526283e6cc3dcd38e65729b.JPG


    I'm happy to say that "Bruckless" attracted a continuous flow of visitors at the Southampton MREx yesterday, with Andy kept busy describing how he had built up (actually HE BUILT THEM!) his immense collection of CDR stock over a period of about thirty years.


    Railcar No.9 (20 seater)


    Steam on the daily goods, complete with a "Henry Forbes" look-alike, in the form of the worthily proud builder.

    • Like 8
    • WOW! 2
  8. 34 minutes ago, JasonB said:

    Why are these prices a constant topic of discussion on here. We are all aware it's excessive. If someone decides to chance their arm, and sell for that price, and another decides to buy, what business is it of anyone else. 

    You're right of course. Caveat Emptor.

    I note it's not even sound fitted!

    Mine was from Gareth of the erstwhile Belfast Model Shop. Great sound effects.

  9. When I started PW in 2007, one of my original quartet of Dapol Commissions was their BR conflat with a furniture container mimicking the GNR's dark blue furniture container.


    I repeated it with container No.4 with a different conflat.

    Then I embarked on my bread container project and did other Dapol conflats to carry two bread containers. Sorry that it is a movie which will take foorever to load up, but I can't find a still at present.

    Anyway, the GNR built flats especially to carry bread containers, which DID NOT look like the British type.

    It's probably too late to offer one now, although 3D printing might offer a solution. If I thought there was an interest .....

    I've plenty of bread containers for those who are happy to repaint British conflats - two fit beautifully on the Dapol ones.



    • Like 7
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  10. Yes, I got massive points for choosing the Holiday Inn Express (highly recommended and with excellent included breakfast buffet) in Wuppertal last September. The Schwabebahn was right outside the window and the other half was over the Moon to be able to watch trains every ten minutes or so!

    Talking of German model shops, has anyone ventured into the HUGE one on the outside platforms at Munich - I've walked past loads of times, but always in a hurry to catch a train to or from Austria.

    • Like 2
  11. I've just read this in an e-mail from a "Timer" friend.

    Obviously Noel was very highly regarded by the Students of Locomotive Performance (aka "Timers"). He drove (and fired) most expertly and was just as enthusiastic about a day out on 186's footplate as he was on Merlin or No.4. He learned the craft of driving the big Compound from an earlier GNR driver and when the day came for the IR drivers to take Merlin on a RPSI tour, Rob Jolly came up to the North and travelled down on her footplate to get some tips. Noel drove to Dundalk, with Rob watching how it was done. At Dundalk, Noel put him in the driver's seat, took up the shovel himself and let Rob have a hands-on tutorial. That was the kind of guy Noel was.

    Nearly twenty years ago, he asked one of the timing fraternity for some idea of the best performances on the GNR main line in the preservation era. Armed with that information, he set about beating them. In particular, he was interested in getting Merlin over the great climb over the Border without falling below 50mph - he got very close! 

    He got 70mph out of the recently-overhauled Q Class No.131 and we timers were looking forward to experiencing him driving No.171 when her overhaul is complete. Alas, that is a pleasure we will be denied.

    My sympathy to his friends, family and colleagues who have lost a truly great guy.

    May he indeed Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.

    • Like 9
  12. Firstly, David W, thanks for that remarkable video. I wonder who took it - John Laird or Craig Robb at a guess?

    The later film of No.800 was taken on 28 February, a Friday. The day she came North. Next day, the enthusiast community was at Adelaide to photograph her beside No.207 'Boyne" which was specially steamed.

    Back to the main subject:

    As Steve suggests, the gunpowder van is NCC.

    When researching my Gunpowder  van, a photo came to light taken by the late Derek Young which shows its sister in much more detail - the W irons are not GNR but the oblong wagon plate is the real giveaway. On  No. 2649, by the way. The one in the video is 2650, so it wasn't a solitary example.

    An amazing video with a lot to see and drool over. Thanks David

    • Agree 1
  13. Good luck with the new venture, Steve.

    A quick look at the Dapol site reminds me that they do a Sentinel - the NCC had one of those, but not quite that version, I think - but maybe a quick win? Are none of their vans even close to Irish?

    Roger's Alphagraphix kits produce decent wagons too - I have a couple on Rosses' Point. I was prodding him re the lack of a chassis kit for his cardboard wagons - I think he may produce one sooner or later.

    • Like 3
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  14. 1 hour ago, jhb171achill said:

    Indeed; the “accuracy” ship has LONG sailed for Irish preservation. There just isn’t the stuff left, and there’s no way the RPSI would send any steam locomotives to such a remote location, I would think. And there’s no Barry scrapyard here; THAT ship sailed too, over sixty years ago!

    Well, the RPSI has no obvious plans for running 184 / 186 again so why not a loan, given suitable assurances as to the loco's well-being?

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