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Lev Pavliuk

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Everything posted by Lev Pavliuk

  1. in fact, all systems work for the edenderry power station now and still continue to extract from the bogs for transfer to the power station
  2. this explains everything, on Sunday there are no trains, on Saturday there are several, but on weekdays there are more
  3. these power stations have been out of operation for a few years now but right now you can see a lot of trains on the Mountdillon system, that's where most of the photos are from, you can even see the Lanesborough power station in one of the photos, all the trains come from the bogs in the northwest from the bridge and to the tipper at Mountdillon works, the first trains leave at 7-8, there are 2 trains one after another, there can be quite a lot of round trips per day. I’ll go to the bogs tomorrow to film the loading process, if you want, then I’ll give you the exact geolocation, because to be honest, I myself don’t yet know in which swamp the loading takes place, everything is by trial and error
  4. a few more photos. I’ll publish the next from the edenderry system and coolnagun (small isolated system in Westmeath) probably in mid-November, since next week I’m leaving on a big trip. I also heard that all systems except edenderry will be closed at the end of October - beginning of November, so hurry up to visit!
  5. thank you very much for your support guys! this is good motivation, I'll try to post some photos on Saturday
  6. By the way, if anyone needs detailed photographs of certain rolling stock or BnM infrastructure, then I can do it on one of the trips
  7. Well, it's been a while since I've posted pictures of Irish railways here and it's time to fix that. if you are interested in Bord na Mona, then I will regularly post them in the next topic, you can also find more there https://irishrailwaymodeller.com/topic/8838-bord-na-móna-rolling-stock/page/2 /#comment-215744
  8. thanks for the nice review! a photograph of the night sky is 6 stitched frames taken at a shutter speed of 25 seconds, 18 mm, f3.5 and ISO 6500, the main goal of this trip was to photograph the Milky Way and locomotives and this was more than successful, I will definitely post photos here later, also the next morning I was able to photograph few trains on the Boora system, which may have already become a thing of history. in general, every trip is an adventure and exploration for me, I leave on my bike at 3 in the morning and when I arrive somewhere I start exploring the system, you never know what you will find and this spirit of exploration is simply amazing, as is the atmosphere of sitting near the tent and a fire looking into the starry sky and falling stars, you need to feel it, for me such trips have become a real outlet from everyday work, photographs are just like a small pleasant bonus
  9. Thank you! I will periodically upload fresh and not-so-recent photographs to this topic, there is very active traffic now, on both there are 10+ train day
  10. I have some photos, but unfortunately the most interesting ones have not yet been processed, but I still continue and will continue regular cycling trips to different systems. so perhaps I can also help with information
  11. looks like Galway, it closed in 2017 but the locos still haven't been scrapped, saw lm41 and lm34 a few days ago
  12. Tara mines already closed before, maybe 10-15 years ago, i don't sure
  13. do you mean zinc reserves in storage? It is also worth remembering that the cessation of production in the mines will be carried out within 4 weeks, so if we talk in the context of the railway, then the trains will most likely run for quite a long time, it is worth remembering BnM
  14. http://www.rte.ie/news/2023/0613/1389003-tara-mines-jobs/
  15. Hey anyone got the working times for tomorrow tour?
  16. i saw 4 and 6 not so long ago, i must have pictures of 083 with 4 at port
  17. it's for the best, it hurts to look at what the locomotives turn into on west clare, there is still no security where these locomotives are?
  18. looking forward to a pilgrimage there
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