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  1. Hello Ken, Good stuff thank you. I’m now wondering were they Fitzwilliam’s own personal horse boxes, who knows.. Savage models btw. There is another photo in the collection of the church at Annacurragh, about 1.5 Miles from Aughrim towards Shillelagh. The branch visible in the foreground. https://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000332962 In the Aughrim photo, the start signal at the Shillelagh end of the platform appears “off” also. Pity about the wall for sure. I’m sure there must be more such photos out there somewhere! Cheers Maurice
  2. Deadly stuff.. This may be relevant here.. I’ve been looking through old photos of the Shillelagh Branch. Came across this photo of Aughrim. Wondering are the 2 wagons on this branch set horse boxes? Cheers https://catalogue.nli.ie/Record/vtls000332959
  3. The lads at the Dapol Stand at Warley said they are looking at doing a re-run of 60’ Stanier
  4. Mighty, sent ya a PM there
  5. Just wondering if it is still possible to order these?
  6. Thanks, It’s this: https://www.modellbahnshop-lippe.com/Accessories/Accessories/ESU-50708/gb/modell_216734.html buffered with this: https://www.modellbahnshop-lippe.com/Accessories/Accessories/ESU-50710/gb/modell_277908.html.. I used DCC Concepts pickup springs. The figures are mostly Faller HO bought from modellbahnshop.. There’s also 1 or 2 Bachmann OO figures I got from Marks.
  7. Using these laddies here
  8. .
  9. DCC programming done IMG_7461.MOV
  10. A bit of interior detail work on Murphy Models Craven 1508.
  11. My 230 came in the same damaged condition, just fyi.
  12. I’d second that, he’s been very accommodating with this file. I’ve asked for a few tweaks and he’s done them straight away! The main reason I wanted this prime mover is for the low idle function, which I think sounds great
  13. Little New Year update on this thread. Neil from Wheeltappers has kindly worked an American 20 cylinder prime mover onto his file. I think it sounds a bit closer to the classic 071. Here’s a demo! IMG_5661.MOV
  14. Nevermind, just found a HIFI version of that file.
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