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Auto-Train Original

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  1. Ireland does not have a super low population density at all (over 7 million on this island now) and Dublin has the same population density as Amsterdam and Copenhagen and no, Ireland is not smaller than Manchester just because Jack Charlton said it 40 years ago. These off the cuffs 'low density' assumptions are not as relevant as they are made out to be. England has one of the highest pop density on the planet. They are the exception, not the rule. This is not whom we compare ourselves too when talking rail investment. New Zealand is VERY different geograpically than Ireland. Again, not the same. We have a government and civil service who wear onesies watching the Late Late Toy Show while giggling. There is no leadership and foresight in this country. That's the problem not our population density.
  2. why have nearly all the sidings been removed in the last few days?
  3. I have long admired the N-Trak or Freemo concept of people building their own modules at home and then bringing them to clubs and exhibitions for them to be joined up. The concept is simple yet an excellent way for just about anyone to make a module. I was wondering has anyone ever thought of the idea for an I-Track network. Whereby hobbyists could build an Irish themed module to a specific set of specs. Then join them them together at meet ups or public events? I think it would be fantastic and would have great potential for creating the 'wow' factor for both active hobbyists and entice newcommers while promoting Irish OO gauge railway modelling as a whole.
  4. Good work.
  5. I know it is too late and the horse has bolted but I felt from the start this was a poor choice for IRM. Too big, ambitious and limted run. The RTE livery was a strange choice it has to be said. But here we are, and fair play to IRM for being fortright. I hope everything works out for all parties in the end. PS: I can think of at least a dozen example of Irish rolling stock off the top of my head that would have gained more interest.
  6. these lads https://directoryproductimages.blob.core.windows.net/mediaimages/hornbylmssuburbanrakes_header1.jpg
  7. Are the surburban stock similar to the Airfix models?
  8. Thank you very much jhb171achill. I could not find prototype photos anywhere.
  9. I have a pair I want to paint into the loco-hauled green livery. They problem is I can't find photos of the location of the straw coloured line below the windows. Was this line directly below the carriage window frames or was there a gap? Many thanks in advance.
  10. Great photo. How on earth am I ever going to mask that 1 inch line in 4mm!
  11. Fantastic and thanks. Especially regarding the roof colour being grey and not black.
  12. Hi all, I will be embarking on painting a rake of NCC coaches that I know operated into the UTA era. I would like to paint them into the early UTA livery and does anyone have any information pertaining to this this. Also did any of the NCC Maroon coaches operate into the UTA era or were all repainted as soon as UTA took over? Thanks in advance
  13. On a recent NCC thread someone posted about a 'Standard' LMS Brake Van of the LMS which had wandered into GNR rails at Omagh. Can anyone provide me more information on NCC Brake Vans after the war. Can any UK models be converted and what livery did these Irish version wear? Thanks in advance
  14. yes that is more sensible than a direct link to Derry. Most passengers would be going south from Letterkenny anyway.
  15. I honestly can't see the Derry to Letterkenny thing as just talk. The Derry Road is the only game in town for serious reopening and would technically, provide rail service to 'Donegal'.
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