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Everything posted by Anders112

  1. Sample photo I based the weathering on, trying to go for the brown side and light grey dust on top using 3 different weathering powders
  2. finally got around to finishing the remainder of the Mir Tara Kits, painted and weathered. Pretty happy with how the weathering came out, some wagons were weathered better than others but hey it’s a learning curve. some of the buffers and under frames didn’t glue properly and fell out so have to stick them back on Next steps is find a way to get the IRM bogies to fit them bottom of the wagons and find couplers to glue to the front. Halfords primer working a treat on the Tara’s first 5 have been targeted by the weathering brush,two on the right were still drying Here is our the wagons turned out,overall delighted with them
  3. Also keep a eye out for Adverts.ie,some people are selling Irish rolling stock on there https://touch.adverts.ie/for-sale/q_Murphy+models/ currently there are few 141s,071s and coaches there also keep a eye out for millipede,on adverts,he converts and resprays roiling stock into Irish models, not as good detail compared to Murphy models or Irish railway models but it’s a good stopgap,you can’t go wrong for the price he’s asking for Hope this helps https://touch.adverts.ie/member/1578437/ads
  4. Looking for Murphy models 071 number 073 in Weathered Irish rail livery Anyone know where I could get my hands on one ? Thanks Dave https://www.hattons.co.uk/59165/murphy_models_mm0073_irish_class_071_111_diesel_locomotive_in_ir_orange_black_livery_weathered/stockdetail
  5. 206 and 9001 leaving Dundalk now (16:24) northbound to Belfast IMG_4350.mov
  6. @WRENNEIRE you can get them at Peter spares model railways stumbled across this website trying to look for spare couplings for my 201 but still can’t find any substitute https://www.petersspares.com/p/keen-systems-bdbmkii4-bachmann-br-mk2-draw-bar-4-pairs 4 draw bars for 15 pound Unfortunately they don’t come with any springs Hope this helps
  7. Hi @WRENNEIRE, I got these spare coupling arms for the cravens last year in the UK after I lost the originals for my cravens, thankfully in a clear out I found the originals. All you have to do is add NEM pocket to the end of them, let me know if you think they could work for you
  8. Like all good demonstrations here’s “one I prepared earlier”. First painted and weathered Tara wagon. For these wagons I wanted to go for the great weathered and grimey livery of the Tara’s as seen in the 1990s and 2000s before they were painted in the red oxide first attempt at weathering rolling stock,came out decent when you look at the pro types below https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/6606191825/in/album-72157628649502947/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/irishswissernie/51787068473/in/album-72157629979572526/ now to get the rest painted and weathered.
  9. With the new year arriving ,decided to give an old project that has been abandon multiples times. An old Tara mine MIR kits that my Dad got me 13 years ago for a birthday present. 7 wagons that we said one day we would built together when ever we got time,sadly that time ran. Never the less,can gladly say they have been started today Kit consists of Wagon shell,lid, buffer beam,buffers and undercarriage. 6 wagons all glued together,ready to by primed by Halfords primer ,painted and weathered tomorrow or the next day. 1 wagon is almost finished, just waiting to be weathered and bogies to be completed .Pretty straight forward so far
  10. Hi folks, first post here on Irish railway modeller,just thought I would introduce myself. Like the majority of people on this my love for railways and model railways was inherited from my father. My Dad ,Nicky Anderson was a Locomotive Driver based in Drogheda from 1980s till late 2010s. Driving all traffic that was found in Drogheda in it’s prime- Cement,Gypsum,Bell liner and Tara’s Etc Etc Sadly in 2021 ,my dad passed away very suddenly at the young age of 59. To Mark Dads 2nd year anniversary, I decided to recreated Colm O Callaghans ( who was a very close friend of Dads) photo of driving with 112 on the Platin -Cabra cement on the 7th October 1996 76 times smaller in Murphy model form. Attached are both photos of the original photo and the recreation of the photo. For the recreation, I built an MIR Cement bubble kit and after various months of chasing,I managed to get my hands on a Murphy models NIR 112. I have very found memories when I was growing up of collecting model trains with my dad ,especially when the Murphy models 141s and 201s came out years ago ,of recreating trains that he drove from Drogheda Regrettably as I look back now,when I was in college, my interest in model railways was distract with all the fun of college life. however, since Dad has died, I’ve re kindledmy love for model railways and have found great comfort in remembering him by them. This was my first major attempt at kit building,scenery, ballast and weathering ,which I’m quite proud of. The recreation sits on a display case I bought in Marks models. I will post a behind the scenes photos of the recreation soon Thanks Dave
  11. Here’s a video of Dundalk in 1984 with both 111s and Hunslets propelling the enterprise, so both were in traffic together
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