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Wexford70 last won the day on October 6 2024

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    Collecting model railways since jouef was burying them in the ground! Mainly Irish models but also UK and continental but only those I have travelled on. Volunteer with the Waterford and Suir Valley railway.


  • Occupation
    Researcher, carer, perpetual student

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  1. This was an example of the tin vans and 6 wheeler in New Ross.
  2. Thanks for the excellent clarity on the rolling stock. The lack of carriages would be the one reservation I would have about purchasing one of these amazing models.
  3. What coaches would they have pulled and which configuration?
  4. Some old new IRM stock on sale at Marks.
  5. Dispatch emails received Friday. Thanks @BosKonay
  6. @BosKonay any updates on the heljan deliveries?
  7. My Heljan order is showing fulfilled on IRM but I received no dispatch email, not wagons obviously. I too have had difficulty getting through to IRM so I wonder if there is an issue with the email system? I'm sure IRM appreciate people get anxious when the only communication channel does not seem to be working well. I hope the live chat returns soon or the ability to phone.
  8. What year was the publication @WRENNEIRE?
  9. @Warbonnet have these all been dispatched? My order is showing fulfilled but not received any notification of posting.
  10. Would any of the learned community have any information as to what colours stationery manual goods cranes would have carried when delivered in the late 1800s? Would different companies have had different colours or were they all grey?
  11. Good to know. Can you confirm the locations where they keep customer data on Accurascale's behalf? Normally there are options provided which can be chosen in the commercial contract.
  12. Hi Mayner, I get this but as IRM or Accurascale are the Data Controller are engaging Shopify under contract to deliver services on their behalf, they need to be clear in the privacy notice where our customer data is being processed. There does not seem to be any of that information provided. The privacy notice mentions consent as the basis for processing but I don't think we were asked to give consent to have an Accurascale account created for us using the customer data we gave to IRM.
  13. So is the Irish Railway Models site going to be defunct soon? Does this also mean that our customer data is now going to be stored in the UK?
  14. Some genesis coaches available in Irish liveries on the rails of Sheffield website
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