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Everything posted by Stoby

  1. Was on Hols last week and was very lucky to come across some B B Beautiful Bubbles Not Cheap But well worth it for Quality Models Hats off Again to IRM
  2. 121 and 071 Sold only Hornby available
  3. Murphys 121 now Sold
  4. Murphy Models 121 as new in the box { 132 CIE } less than 30 mins running time 140 Euro + post Hornby class 60 Fitted with Hornby Bluetooth DCC Sound Decoder 120 Euro + post Murphys Models 071 Supertrain Livery New in the Box 121 & 071 SOLD Only Hornby available
  5. Irish Railway Models CIÉ/IR 42' Flat - Weedspray Triple Pack
  6. Hi Mogul i got sorted over the weekend cheers
  7. Wanted Murphys Cravens Buffet Coach if anybody is willing to part with one please let me know all sorted Thanks
  8. yes i saw them but they went quickly
  9. All sorted Thanks
  10. Hi Blaine Bogie x 1
  11. Wanted Hornby Class 60 parts just on the off chance anybody has a hornby class 60 runner or non runner for parts Thanks
  12. I Better Hide my Chips
  13. OO Gauge Hornby R4137B Anglia Railways MK2 1st Class Coach One MK2 Coach new in the box 20 Euro plus post
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  14. My One and only Marklin Model . lovely collection of Marklin Steven
  15. Here is a Nice Pub https://rbmodels.ie/product/bachmann-44-124a-the-auld-house-pub-00-gauge/ out of stock but you might find it elsewhere online
  16. Hornby OO Gauge R3399 EWS Train pack Class 67 and 3 MHA Wagons New in Box Asking 200 or Best Offer plus post or Collection in Dublin
  17. Wanted Wash Plant Similar to pic If anybody hs one laying about that they wish to sell please let me know Thanks
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  18. May He Rest In Peace , Condolences to Family & Friends .
  19. Hi Folks i am looking for a Bachmann Snow plough { just one } if anybody has one to spare { suitable for class 37 , same as attached photo } Thanks
  20. Very Nice But out of my price range looking for something local , so no import duties
  21. Wanted Class 37 Bachmann or Hornby Pref DCC Ready
  22. Stoby

    Ken McElhinney RIP

    Condolences to his family. May He RIP
  23. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FREMO
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