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Posts posted by Glenderg

  1. Great stuff Dhu. The upgrading of numbers later on has me all confused - 813 to 917 and so on. Thanks for clearing that up. I'm now duty bound to make 811 or 812 with the amended window spacing so! :P Richie.

  2. Nice job Glenderg, but I have to point out that only 811 and 812 were DBSO, 813 was a DBFO for which the Lima 2B Brake 1st is perfect for conversion. The window spacings of the coach are different to 811 and 812. I too have built 813 using the Lima Brake 1st, and am currently building 811 with a bit of cut and shut for the driving/guard end, and using half a Lima 2nd Open for the passenger end.


    I used various sources to research the coach profile, but I've corrected the typo of 813, which should read 812. Apologies Dhu!




    and many of the photos from 33Lima of this parish, along with my own private collection. NIR Mk2 DBSO 916 (ex-812), Bangor 1993

    813 has only 3 windows in the passenger section, and will be tackled next after I've finished a few commissions for folk.




    It's a bit of both really. The material is 0.08mm perspex, the inner parts are cut once, the outer shape cut 4 times. This allows me to paint the frames, and trim off any overpaint with a cocktail stick. They just pop out of the sheet when finished, put over the opening, and plastic magic is applied to the inside. Capillary action draws the glue around the frame, but there's a few seconds to make any adjustments.






    DSC_0062 (1).jpg


    (That's just spray glue on the rear from the platen, and comes off easily with a bit of white spirits)

  3. Evenin All. Whilst up north over the Christmas, I decided to bid on a few ebay auctions, Mark 2 passenger coaches from Airfix to Lima. Sadly, I won 38 auctions and now have more Mk2's than I know what to do with. So here's one, and I was keen to start my own collection of stock.






    Easy to take apart and break into it's separate pieces.




    I've taken out all the glazing bars and primed white. There was a nice crack in the roof too, which needed work.




    Then gobbo here forgot that 811/812 were DBSO vehicles and needed some adjustment to the driving end. Fill a window in, and make a new one.




    Made up some new windows, added handrails, and a cover plate for the corridor end.






    I do like adding little things like having a window ajar, or pushed down.




    A little lick of dirt, but the roof is too clean, so out with the Payne's Grey...




    Dabbed on..




    All over....




    And most of it removed, but enough to take the clean look off it, without looking like it's been through an apocalypse! The roof is loose fitted currently, as I'd like to add passengers, a guard at a window, and fit some kadees, but all in time. Now though, it's back to work....



  4. About thirty years ago, BBC Radio 4's I'm Sorry I haven't A Clue had a round where panellists were invited to propose modern proverbs. Willie Rushton's contribution has stuck in my mind ever since...


    Never trust a dentist with blood in his hair.



  5. Just as a thought, Boots and what not sell wedges of sponge in a bag, like 50 for a fiver, for makeup and that. Perfect to wedge in, stop stock floating about. I'll be havin' some of them ^, mind... Anyway, kind of keen to help a small startup in these challenging times, an' all... :P

  6. I know it's an oddball solution, but Penney's do a roll of Voile, like curtain mesh. About £5 for 8 metres of the stuff. I used if for straining paint that had lumps etc. in it, and eventually used it for the mesh on the bonnet grilles of my E Classes. Very fine and works with standard glues & cements.


    You can also get small pieces of it for jam and chutney.

  7. Dhu V,


    Many thanks for the photos above, even though I'd always thought that 904 was the special part of that BR photo, I hadn't spotted the oddball behind her.


    Will make for an easy conversion, and an interesting one for the collection. I have to say though, that livery is quite striking, and perhaps looks better in 4mm than in 12" to the foot.



  8. G'dman Jb, thanks for keeping up.


    It went to Heysham, and they adapted it to suit their own ends. I was a TSO to begin with - 8 MK2F type windows either side, and as life went on, they filled them in. If you've any snaps of her in service, by all means!

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