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Posts posted by Glenderg

  1. To answer OP's questions, go into a plumbing yard, ask for plumbers flux, job done.


    And if anyone is going to get excited about carrs and so on, flux comes with the same chemical formula, no matter the branding.


    Despite what's out there, their is bugger all difference between plumbers flux and the enthusiast variant.


    Ive spent plenty shilling on both, it's a marketing hack.


    Spend your money on low melt solder.



  2. Hi there was the download part of the magazine? or is that at a different web address?


    Just found the Irish supplement so that can be added to the list.




    It was a printed insert, and about as handy as chocolate teapot. All the drawings were scaled differently in the X Axis to the Y Axis so had a slightly elliptical profile to them. I took a fancy to an 0-6-0 GSWR, scanned it, then discovered the error whilst trying to re-draw it. It was mentioned to the editor, and I got no satisfaction. Stopped subscribing and contributing. R

  3. Deluxe Materials I use on MM 201's to remove the tampo printed black and yellow bands. Seriously dangerous stuff if left too long, but there's is nothing it won't tackle, including the plastic beneath the paint.


    Mr. Muscle Oven Cleaner is completely different from cillit bang, it should work also as EMC said earlier.


    If it were me, I'd get one a tall glass that the model fits into, and give it a bath in brake fluid. Immensely satisfying removal process.



  4. Brake Fluid, give it a go. Leave it in for a few hours, if you see yellow streaks in the fluid, then it's working. If that don't work it's cellulose paint, and a hoor to remove.


    edit - Mr. Muscle Oven Cleaner too, just hold your breath after spraying.

  5. MIR were the staple kit makers on this island and had produced a large range of resin kits of 4 wheeled stock up to the 201 class diesel. They closed some years ago, but apparently are re-opening. No-one per se "took over their kits" but a number of manufacturers of both resin and 3D printed work stepped into the breach - Irish Freight Models, & D & M. JM Designs also came to fore with brass limited run models to supplement that already offered in brass by Studio Scale Models.

  6. As far as I know, he has turned masters for domes and chimneys on SSM kits, but I've never heard of a kit specifically coming from his stable to suit our market.


    Mayner of this parish may be the man to ask though, he may have the skinny on such things.



  7. Tony et al


    They DID exist and were small, I think wheeled containers - a fraction the size of my bread containers.


    I have a note somewhere as Michael and I being lovers of Fig Rolls (I"m lying!) were tempted!


    I'll get back on this one.




    Photos, Leslie or i make a start on that double beet :P

  8. Thanks Guys for your comments. David I know the Piko wagon has been used by many to represent the current Timber Wagons.


    It is 57' 6" scale length and has 16 stanchions instead of 10. I suppose you could extend the body and rebuild the top deck but it looks a lot of work but it's worth considering.


    Meanwhile I have down loaded the drawing of the 62'9" container wagon from the Freight Section but I'm having difficulty in making out the measurements. When I enlarge the drawing the numbers go blurry.


    Can any sharp eyed reader tell me please help me with the following distances:

    Over Buffers

    Over Headstock

    Over Containers (Deck)

    Bogie Centres

    Also where can I get more information on these wagons, my Oliver Doyle book of '87 only refers to Flat bogie Wagons Series 30501 -30540?

    2438mm (32.0mm) deck width

    20360mm over buffers (268.5mm)

    19140mm over headstocks (251.2mm)


    There's nothing in either the first or second editions of H&D, and I can't find my ITG book at the minute. :(





    14141mm bogie centres (185.6mm)

  9. I'd agree with the H0 business. The days of passing off should be well and truly behind us, but sometimes there's no alternative. My only practical concern with that wagon is the length of it. I built a talgo pocket wagon from scratch some years ago, and it's the same size. The overhang on small radius track was considerable, and if the wagon was in anyway top heavy, she'd get pulled off the track and fall over. I suppose some of Leslie's style lead shot would work to keep a low centre of gravity, though.


    Lastly, those wagons also had continental bogies along with the heavy duty sambre et meuse, the former being readily available, though they are being phased out on the networks on the island.






    P.s - we all have our moments - In a former life I once sent a letter to an archbishop explaining the fire alarm system when using incense. "Once you push the button in the Sanctuary, it will disable the fire alarm system, such that you may carry out incest related operations without interference".... Twas caught before it left, thankfully.... :rolleyes:

  10. Enjoyed your video and the preamble which leads me to the question Noel, are all wagons marshalled so the discharge wheels are on the same side?


    Some rakes were marshalled with half pointing right, half pointing left. Other rakes were all pointed in the same direction.

  11. A huge thank you to the IRM team - Stephen, Fran, Patrick, Richie and their helpers. The ballast wagon is a superb model indeed and I'll have to summon up alot of courage to weather them down.

    Would someone remind me of the usual number in a rake along with the two ballast brakes topping and tailing? I might have to purchase some more sets and renumber them.


    The Bubbles and the Taras to come - what's next?


    You're more than welcome! It's been a mad few weeks, even if our Logistics Manager had to go to creche for a few afternoons a week :P They look much better for the weathering, am working up a few currently.

    Ideal rake (based on photos) appears to be 15 then topped and tailed by the Ploughs.


    As for what's next....... Richie

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