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Everything posted by Chevron

  1. Chevron


  2. i don't deal in vat.. only Sterling
  3. After seeing your layout .. you have turned me in to a thief lol im gonna try rob some of your ideas lol
  4. so 15-20 mins half speed forward then 15-20 mins full speed forward then 15-20 mins half speed reverse and 15-20 mins full speed reverse should break it in? its a dc model and have no idea how to open it up to check the motor lol
  5. What buildings do you are they ready made / kits? where do you get them to withstand the weather.
  6. i couldn't agree more.
  7. Now that is quite impressive for a outdoor semi outdoor. how covered is that car port? must be large enough to keep the wind and rain away from it cause there is no way in hell you could have those buildings out in British weather lol you have me thinking now about semi covering with carport material. hmmmmm
  8. id love to see the full figure of eight you have. am always interested in seeing others outdoor setups. what is the full width you have there with the double loop?
  9. Did your perspex not go cloudy with the weather ? The little covering on the left of that image. does that track go indoors there?
  10. so if i was to get some kadees or ez mates what version or lengths work best with standard wagons?
  11. The hardboard at the back works as can be painted like a wall like yours.
  12. Is there a general rule to break in new models. as like with new motor bikes is there restrictors on them or they stay slow till broken in? my new engine is very slow even at full speed on my basic hornby controller.
  13. Does anyone have experience with these. My HO union pacific has them and although i was offered the service to convert them to hornby style due to all my rolling stock being hornby couplers. i don't really want t remove the knuckles as i really like the look of them. so im thinking maybe change a couple of rolling stock couplers to these instead. Are they easy to disengage once attached? do they simply just bump wagon to attach? are there easy/auto uncouplers to get for them? any thoughts would be appreciated. Cheers Danny
  14. the perspex looks better than the traditional wooden ones most use. im trying to avoid the wooden one if i can mainly due to cosmetics. i love the clean look that setup has. very nice.
  15. Yea it is. i am debating how best to deal with that. Thinking easiest would be to make a gutter shaped dip in front made of grass mat and maybe a hill behind it of same material. A lot of first's are happening in this update. First time using flexi track and isolation joiners and even cutting track to fit.
  16. looking great.
  17. Finally got a shed in the garden so now i can have a proper train yard/fiddle yard on the bottom right my first attempt at using switch's and isolated rail joiners. 2 on-off-on switches decides which track has power. view from just outside the shed into the yard out of the shed over the dog run and the final straight where it joins up to the the main loop. just need to decide on a backdrop for the yard. i want an industrial style one but all i can find are country scenes.
  18. Finally got a Union Pacific
  19. How did you get the paint job so perfect. such great lines.
  20. So once i switch the reversing switch it changes the polarity of the rails as in if black was positive and red was negative it would be black is now negative and red now positive so if both controllers had power on the rail it would short due to one trying to make red positive and the other trying to making negative? so there is no shorting of the wirings its a case of must have 2 wires from each section to swap the rails polarity back and forth.
  21. thats a good question id like to see answered. Cant test as i only have one controller at the minute.
  22. sounds good to me. Cheers broithe that's one added to my shopping list.
  23. yea had a look at ebay and was lost . so had to check back here as to what to buy. funny how cosmetics can play a part. the first one you pictured looks better for me .. but i can go with the model D
  24. they are pretty neat. but where did the carriages come from after dropping off the coal wagons lol. but i love the idea of the coal wagons above shoots to drop coal on to barges. is it something similar to this that coal staite worked? Coal wagons dropped over and shovel'd overboard into a staite and the shovel'dinto a truck?
  25. Any recommendations on a dual track controller ? as in where to buy one?
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