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Everything posted by Chevron

  1. Do you guys know the time table for all these runs you just so happen to get ?
  2. Are those clips any good? i havent seen them around before. im still on the strip and twist method lol
  3. Just watched that video now. it still amazes me that they can take all the ballast out and replace it after cleaning it without disrupting the track. it reminds me of the programme about building the railway to tibet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo7FBo4mLgU.... amazing the science that actually goes in to railways and ballasting.
  4. The Rock of Dunamase is a lovely place. had the chance to take a few photos there once.
  5. tried adverts and Ebay they are all 3 euro plus 7 for postage or the likes. to be honest at the moment id be happy with little plastics one for now just to fill the street or make a scrapyard.
  6. Were is a good place to get a few different 1:76 vehicles cheaply. average price i see around is €7+ each. looking for a better deal than that.
  7. Hahaha
  8. Email sent. Can collect now.
  9. I would love these.
  10. but if the coupling happens at the hump of a hill there should be 2 options. one - the hooks should uncouple at the hump if going with a camel hump system. two - the hooks should uncouple over the uncoupler - if on a slightly raised platform and then roll on a higher gradient
  11. i will have to test but .. the standard decoupler should work......i just use standard hornby coupling system..( im cheap ) lol i don't think kadee system is required.. might make it easier but i believe the standard hornby spring loaded decoupler will work
  12. id love to go on a photography day with you ... you appear every were where.
  13. Thanks garfield that explains it better than o could .. as i i only found out about over the last day or so.
  14. Thanks , that explains why its done. i never knew such a thing happened.
  15. a ballast cleaning train never heard of such a thing.
  16. i have no way no how and no knowledge of doing an air jet system.. although that would be awesome.
  17. This is a good idea as i do plan to change all wheels on wagons to metal ones. less manual work and more automation.. i really like this idea this would work like a pneumatic retarder system.
  18. the uncoupling should be easy using a basic uncoupler between the rails if the rail is on a slope rather than an actual camels hump. if not a simple lever system to push up a pad to uncouple should do it.
  19. A few possible plan options. As for breaking i have a few ideas. could have a lever that when pulled it raises bristles up between the track sleepers to slow down the wagon. could have a long thin strip of balsa running the lenght of the track straights attached to a leaver to raise and lower it to slow down the wagons. Also have to decide if it will be an actual hump, or the hump line will be on a slope and the rest level or have everything behind the hump on a gentle slope down. Still a lot of thinking and deciding to do. All ideas help hints and tips welcome. So all aboard and throw your spanners in the works to help me along Cheers Danny AKA Chevron
  20. Thats why im planning weeks ahead. will take a few cardboard prototypes to work it out.
  21. I will be getting a bit of track in a few weeks so am planning on a project to make us of some of it. As the title says im going to attempt to make a hump yard. have a mdf base of 36 inchs by 12 inchs. im sure this will be long and wide enough to make one. looking for any hints or tips on this as i only found out about such a thing yesterday. have to figure out the layout and the hump angle and how to bend track for the hump. Im thinking a layout like so What do you guys think?
  22. Its the closest thing il get to having a UP loco for a long time. Might aswell dream here as in bed
  23. if a first you dont succeed try and try and try and try and try and try again. Attempted to repaint my calledonian belle to the union pacific type colours. decals and transfers would help with this. not great but its ok for a first attempt.
  24. So i started a diorama to get me learning about modelling instead of doing all garden related stuff. Started off with a mdf base built up with cardboard and masking tape. this i later found out is a BAD idea As can be seen from this the front will have a canal with a little walkway then a hill up to the tracks. then some low relief background Also my first ever attempt to ballast. this is were i found out cardboard and masking tape was a bad idea. with the 50/50 pva and water mix seeping through the ballast down to the tape and cardboard. lifted the tape - Repaired with a staple gun lol Using some varnish for the water then some wills kit wall for the canal wall. chalk off a kids big a dino toy for the walkway and ground cover from the railway model village magazine. The arch background was from a free download of a card kit from wordsworth railway website. With the mix of wagons i had i decided i wanted to try get a few the same or close as and i liked the look of the ews one i had. I noticed i had 2 more wagons with the same sides so used them to "try" make more EWS ones. paint is a bit darker and glossier than the real one but they will do. Just need to try dull down and get transfers for the 2 newly painted wagons . so a productive few days a lot of learning learnt
  25. i really love your stuff. great quality and look stunning. would love to see some WIP pics to get a glimpse into your knowledge base
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