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Everything posted by Chevron

  1. As a webmaster myself it is great to see some stats shared with the community. Cheers for sharing and great work
  2. Digging up an old thread but my first time to see this video .. WOW 98 flats between each set of locos and that was 3 sets of 98 plus the locos. (yes i counted every one) This is my new "Counting Sheep" Video
  3. Thats true moogle. we all started somewere So no chicken wire or foam blocks to start my mountain i improvised with what freebies i could get my hands on... paper cups from work And good old newspaper and pva glue With no paint what so ever in the house im thinking.. would some dirt mixed in with the 50/50 pva mix make a brown coating for the mountains just to give me a better idea of how its shaping out? What do you guys think? would that work?
  4. That was an interesting read. Love the style of that model. I couldnt even begin to imagine what 50+ train looked like.
  5. Ah any HO i would do would only be the American loco's. So American locos beside Irish/British Locos should be fine ?
  6. Cheers... that rules out a lot of American loco's so . since majority is HO
  7. Knowing that OO and HO tracks are the same but the scale is 1:76 and 1:87 How do loco's compare to each other side by side? As in how "Off" would they look running both OO and HO loco's on the same Layout?
  8. Just finished going through this whole thread from start to finish and it was great to see how the model evolved through constructive and otherwise criticism. How gracefully all opinions (the good, the bad and the ugly) were taken onboard to truly enhance and better the design. Such a a great looking piece of Irish workmanship and entrepreneurism (a word ??) Well done and here's hoping you get plenty more orders from both home and abroad.
  9. I understand that for publications that they would want high end stuff to show off and make people go ohh and ahhh. but it is nice to see some basic stuff, If even just for my own mind to say, well atleast im not the only one who doesn't/cant do ultra realistic scenes. mind you .. i would if i could
  10. The closest i ever got to living near a station is living in citywest beside the luas
  11. Chevron


    Welcome Bman Hope you have fun, learn some and have a bit of banter
  12. Yea highlander iv had a few Ahhhh, and aha moments. usually when itys too late but id will stick with me for when doing the actual layouts. Well i have started the baseboard for my inglehook layout. part of the reason for this was to help teach my kids about controlling trains and not just whacking it up to full speed lol Baseboard is 4x2 a bit bigger than needed but that is to allow for some daddy daughter time with paper mache doing hills at the back This will allow me to have a mountain in the open area above the large curve. Top left siding hopefully will be a rocky quarry style and the bottom left siding i hope to have a goods station for the completed tasks. . then maybe the controls at the bottom right. All this will be pre DCC (DC?? Analog?) may try my hand at having a little stream running under the curve to the right with a little wooden bridge for the track to over it. Are these siding lengths about the correct side for a 5-3-3 ? I don't have 5 to test lol
  13. I dont think a name change is needed. Maybe a tagline/catchphrase. ist all down to the banner. My first thought on this forum was an Irish website about modelling train\railways, it wasn't until i noticed that the majority of it was actually about modelling Irish railways. I think what i first thought would be best unless of course admin and mods want it as the latter. Just my 2cents
  14. Any love for American trains at all ? there are a few that i really like.. haven't a clue of the names of them lol only know them to see lol.
  15. Ok so something has be bugging me a little. The name "Irish Railway Modeller" Is it meant as "Irish Railway" Modeller as in only forums about modeling of Irish Locos ,carriages and wagons. or is it meant as "Irish" Railway Modeller as in Irish people modelling Railways? Just looking to clarify if this in-fact the correct forum for me as i wont be dealing with Irish stock as a main.
  16. I always thought myself as a steam era fan with the likes of the flying scotsman but the more i look at weathered Irish diesels on here and diesels on ehattons. my preference is really changing Did any of you have a first preference in era/style that changed dramatically? If so from what style/era to what style/era?
  17. A beginners beginning Well as some of you know I’m the beginner with the silly questions I have finally decided on how I’m going to start in the wonderful world of railway modelling. No intention of doing any prototypical stuff yet, it will all be fictional. I don’t have much at the moment only what came with the cheapest set i could find. (The Caledonian Belle) Here is my “Huge” Fleet right now My first attempt at some landscaping type thing was just some hills like so. This is how i learnt about inclines lol Next attempt is trying my hand at some crafting with printouts and card. In this one i tried making a tree and some hedging. Tree is actually an acorn sized pine cone with clump foliage. The same sticks were used to make the gate. would have looked better if it was painted white. Hedge is wooden coffee stirrer's. like icepop sticks with scatter pva'd on. So, as you can see i still have a fair bit to learn and learning i am, Mostly from my mistakes lol Next is to try put all this together in the form of an Inglenook shunting puzzle, and yes i know i don’t have enough rolling stock to ACTUALLY do the puzzle once done but they will come a rollin’ ... in time.
  18. So after all my faffing about .. for now im going to start my modeling/railway operating with a inglenook shunting puzzle. I see this as a way of practicing my modeling/scenery and operating skills until such time that i can go ahead with a run around. just need a way of operating the switches in the mean time. Im looking to go with manual switching like what glenderg mentioned with biro and cable. Just need to find simple instructions for trowing that switch
  19. Thanks riversuir, Looking into that software now. Just need to finally decide the definite size and location. as at the moment its only a 4x4 that gets stood on its edge and stood behind the sofa when not in use. (mind you its only track temporarily pinned to mdf for now But that's only till i decide and figure what the hell i actually want lol.
  20. The forth image looks like it was taken in someones yard. Amazing work.
  21. Thanks Highlander, I agree with supporting local model shops. Always used Marks models the one near rathcoole as im in city west. I always found Peco points to be actually more expensive, While waiting on payday im tested my skills with basic modle making with card and printouts, and even done my first tree with clump foilage a small start but a start .
  22. When Dealing with Shunting puzzles How or what is the best way for uncoupling with ease?
  23. Hi All, Try as i might while also searching here and asking Dr Google, I just cannot find any low relief printable craft able buildings. I have being starting and learning to model/craft with the great help of WordsWorth Does any one here know were i might find some? something like a high street to start with but anything at all will do
  24. Thanks for the response warbonnet a nice informative one. Thanks for the clarification on OO locos running on HO track 4-6-2 explanation was great. Used track - never thought about being hammered and glued down. How easy/hard is it for a non artistic fellow to weather. I just find store bought shiny looking loco and wagons is just not for me, i like the used weathered look.
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