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Everything posted by richrua

  1. grab a bit of cheap fake Christmas tree. trim bits to suit. dip in watery pva. dip in flock. repeat. allow to dry. pics to follow. Not perfect but a good background tree if you dont feel like spending the price of a pint on one tree....
  2. didn't quite get the window spacing right. but anyhow...
  3. making progress on a waiting room based on roscommon town.
  4. Ok, so the guy clearly has a few more quid handy.... but it is a useful record page of how many Irish models are available 'in the market'. Also it is because of guys like this forking out plenty of cash for Irish models that has finally made it a feasible business (for the rest of us to enjoy with one or two rtr models).
  5. just trying to figure out how to get the photos from my phone the right way up !
  6. Thanks everyone. My younger son is also enjoying this new (for him) hobby. I know, there is an amazing range of Irish railway stock now. It is actually what is spurring me on I think! I do still have plenty of old Hornby buildings, platforms and some nice BR locos from my young fella days, but I dont want to get rid of them so I am just going to blend them in! I got three BR mark 2 coaches from ebay for a song with the intention of spraying orange and black, but I am not sure if they are the right type of mark 2 ... didn't realise there were 2a 2b 2c 2d ... oh well
  7. My first (second hand!) CIE loco takes a slow evening goods train under the new bridge.
  8. hmmm. might have to pick up a wee bbachmann br shunter or two so !!!
  9. The fact all these models are available has encouraged me to model an Irish scene rather than a UK one , even though all m br y old locos etc are br steam / diesel era. I picked up a second hand 141 and it runs so so well at slow sped. Are all bachmann locos like that ?
  10. am I missing something ?
  11. you guys have probably seen this already - but this is an unbelievable collection all photographed. http://irishmodeltrains.m.webs.com/site/mobile?dm_path=%2Findex.htm&fw_sig_session_key=29523767b5ea8d6966c52688aef6f5927cb357cf9f58731058d81ef976df36b9-62010977&fw_sig_permissions=none&fw_sig_permission_level=0&fw_sig_time=1386971645043&fw_sig_url=http://irishmodeltrains.webs.com/&fw_sig=4a4f8a1809f7dfa813eb978384f205c1&fw_sig_locale=en-US&fw_sig_site=62010977&fw_sig_social=1&fw_sig_tier=0&fw_sig_api_key=522b0eedffc137c934fc7268582d53a1&fw_sig_access_token=8f1824942a7e6c6e9b63e6fd0119c6861bdac5ba&fw_sig_premium=0&fw_sig_is_admin=0&fb_sig_network=fw#3333
  12. Hi folks. I am trying a model of roscommon waiting room using free design software. Here is the first stage . I am working from a photo and Google maps. It might not work,but it is fun experimenting !
  13. hi - the PM thing is not working fir some reason. If you send me a pay request on paypal for the 141 I'll sort you out. th.anks
  14. I finally got a look at a Murphy models 141. I could not believe the fantastic quality ofthe model. It is weighty and purrs quietly. The slow speed is great too ! No comparison at all could be made to my old hornby/lima/mainline locos . ....only problem now is saving up and which one to buy !!!!
  15. The trains finally get some exercise after being in a box for about 25 years. These were my first trains. Santa got me the little 0-4-0 when I was a[video=youtube_share;_T80QP5XWdc]http://youtu.be/_T80QP5XWdc bout 7.
  16. Hello all. I finally made a little bit of scenery in the corner. I have no irish stock yet so my 30 year old br stuff is enjoying a run around. !
  17. Hi folks, Forgive my simplicity. Are there any Hornby, lima etc models that are suitable donors for conversion to CIE models? I know that is very vague indeed, but it would be a good starting point for me!
  18. I would be interested in buying one or two of these, if still available: €88--Murphy Models 141 B165 [black & tan livery] €88--Murphy Models 141 B141 [black & tan livery] €88--Murphy Models 181 B188 [black & tan livery] €70--Murphy Models 181 no.182 [black & orange livery] (small section of handrail missing)
  19. I have had a chance to view the layouts section and it is quite moving to see so many Irish model railways. So many Orange and black locos!
  20. Thanks folks. This is a wonderfully friendly forum. I'll try me best not to offend everybody! Couldn't believe those Irish sea tunnel plans were real! Gonna hang on to my BR stuff. I lived in the north of England for a while and am going to have a go at a model of a wee station from there. Then, When cash allows I will get some lovely orange and black stuff, now that it is available!
  21. Hi everyone. My mam was having a clearout and found boxes of my old railway that I had dismantled from my bedroom 25 years ago. Rather than let them go, I brought them to my own house (and told the wife my sons would like them). Anyway, a couple of months later I have a baseboard set up in the attic, I have my old engines running and I am about to attempt scratchbuilding something or other. Oh oh. Hooked again..... So I noticed a few things - digital being the obvious one. Too expensive for me at the mo. Lima have vanished. Hornby have a huge range now - especially of buildings. Marks Models is still there! Bachmann - where did they come from ? Great models though. And the biggest thing I have noticed is the Murphy's Models phenomenon. My trains are all BR Steam/diesel era because twenty odd years ago there weren't really any commercially available CIE models. I think I remember a scratchbuilt CIE train or two at an exhibition. It is about time and they are such good models. Originally from Dublin, I live in Belfast now and it is really great that I could get and run both NIR and IE/IR/CIE models very readily. There is a Silver Fox thing too but I haven't checked that out yet. I think my pocket money will be heading in that direction! It does leave me with a slight problem - I don't want to part with my BR collection for sentimental reasons; so my layout may well have to cross the Irish Sea somehow........
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