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Everything posted by richrua

  1. That moment when you peel back the tape ... [ATTACH=CONFIG]13706[/ATTACH]
  2. That moment when you peel back the tape ...
  3. Very true. I Would climb over you to get a 141 181 or 071. To me they are Irish railways. As a child thats what i saw. Although as an adult i spent many a trip heading north on the new enterprise to meet my wife to be so there is a certain amount of nostalgia in that 201 for me... I will buy an enterprise 201 model eventually but I want black and orange first
  4. I mean the layout a few posts above. Not the paint job.
  5. That is brilliant. V irish looking
  6. I need to head down there soon
  7. Uses a lot of the oul tape this business
  8. I want to get an 071 . Funds only just allow for one. My heart says black and orange. Or maybe black and silver. BUt my head keeps saying grey. Cant decide.
  9. Cool. What I meant was more variety in the locos. I wonder why they haven't done any GM s for example?
  10. Wired up a point motor for the first time. The Clunk is very satisfying. I am such a child.
  11. Looks like you were right Achill!
  12. Thanks everyone - it is ok - I am sorry to ask such basic questions. I had a tin of Brunswick gloss. In the back garden I don't think it is not too far off a picture I have in the Irish Traction book. It will be dark looking in the attic though! I don't really mind. I have enjoyed building it. Anyway - I didn't shave off the lights because I might feel brave someday and go all orange and black on it. I wish there were more of these great kits available.
  13. Half the England team are LFC. I've always thought that Suarez just lifted the whole side and even taught them plenty. Tonight I confirmed my belief. Hope he dosent go....
  14. wallop. red card. Might be goal in this one yet.
  15. Thanks mr enniscorthy. It is a lima looked ok online but when i got it it appears to have been kept somewhere damp. I spent a good while cleaning it and re soldered the connections/replaced the wire. Runs ok. Pity - i sold an old mainline that was a strong runner not too long ago! I wouldnt really have a clue about lights. I have a few LEDS lying about and a resistor or too but i dont really want to make a mess of this nice kit!
  16. I had a can of brunswick for some rpsi sprays so i went with that. Thanks
  17. Thanks for that.
  18. Thanks lads . Much appreciated. Great site this. If it wasnt here I would never have tried scratchbuilding and kit making Irish scene. Thanks again.
  19. Oh and i laughed a lot at the can of worms!!!! At least i didnt ask what shade of black eh?
  20. I picked up this from the forum here. Thanks! The chassis is a lima 52 from ebay that arrived in terrible condition. Paid over the odds but the motor seems ok. Anyway. Bit of chopping later . Spot of soldering and I am nearly there. Have the decals waiting from Studio scale models too. Impressed by the kit and decals. Inspired to make a few more.
  21. Thank you mr. Glenderg. Unfortunately the good lord decided to make me colour blind and at the same time not a bad artist and craftsman. So i find it really hard to match a can to a livery if you know what i mean. If there was a name or a number it would help! ... :-) i once saved for ages for a walkman . Walked into peats . Bought a pink one thinking it was grey.....
  22. Hi folks i have a silver fox a class kit at the painting stage. Would like to go green livery. Which green would be a good spray ?
  23. Thanks lads. I need to pop to a model shop with the measurements in tow. Always forget how many mm i need and always in a rush...
  24. Thanks very much. I am a little afraid to use them... been a few years since i waterslid....
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