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Everything posted by kevo

  1. yes them wagons do need some weather ing they stick out a bit compared to the rather caked up 161 i hold my.hands up the hoppers they only arrived this friday just gone so its in the pipe line .
  2. thanks David yes thats true as i tend to build only small layouts there is more fun in the build side allso things get finished much quicker . as my iterest in railways covers stadard gauge subjects and narrow gauge and american to i can never justifie one large layout . as i am nearly allways thinking of my next project before one subject is finished
  3. thanks popeye glad you like it . must admit it could have done with being a tad or to longer but it was just to see what can be done in a boxfile . it has a two track traverser so the whole layout can work with two locos and roughly 4-5 wagons . one loco brings train in uncouples and runs back out .then i bring another loco in to shunt . belive it or not a shut around can last for a good 10 -15 mins before reverse ing the whole process . thats is not include ing when things get in a jam and has to be un tangled . at the moment . i only have two 141 class locos but hope to add a 121 in a weeks time . fingers crossed
  4. Hi all just sent in a few pics of my small boxfile layout . it will run a few different types of rolling stock inc gypsum and fertiliser and poss cement hope you like it . work still in progress .
  5. would be interested if any one has a 071 class they would consider do ing a part exchange for a excellent condition 188 class no B 181 box is in good condition and has parts packet un oppened . please PM me if at all interested thanks
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  6. kevo

    071 class

    yes may be a re run is all we can hope for . i think irish railways have gained a huge following now a days with all the excellent locos that have so far been produced mind you even the rolling stock is not far behind with demand nearlly evey time i start looking for cement bubbles there all sold out
  7. kevo

    071 class

    Hi all . over the last two years now or may be a bit longer ive noticed like others that try ing to get hold of a 141 0r 181 class loco that dus not cost the price of a trip to the moon and back is dare i say allmost in possible . i should count my self lucky that i have managed to get hold of 3 and that was only due to the kindness of one of the menbers on this forum some time a go . yes they do pop up on E BAY now and then but there going for a fare old wack . i can understand that demand will dictate prices of course. and who would not like shed loads of dosh for a 2nd hand loco . and i expect the question of will there be any re runs has been asked many times . this has only come to my main question as i started looking for a 071 class a month or so ago and sadly they now seem to have gone the same way . please doint get me wrong lads its not ment as a good moane just a observation .
  8. Yes the lock down has made many of us make do with what ever we have laying around . i know my self have made good use of a recycleing a old base board for my latest l micro layout . sounds like you had real good fun makeing your shed . seeing your layout has made me think about have a second go at a nother micro cement layout who knowns . I do like your main buildings at the far end of your layout are they all scratch built . they look really impressive .
  9. Hi Richrua . brilliant work really like it . doint know if ime right but you doint see many irish micro layouts so its a real treat . strange thing as well i did build a small micro cement layout my self some years back to run my 141 on . hope you doint mind i slipped a pic of it in cheers kevin .
  10. Just would like to say I have just re started my interest in irish locos again and i do own a 141 class .And just thought i might like To see if there were any others on E BAY but was cutt dead in my tracks on the insane 2nd hand prices . i will go back and check but i could not belive my eyes a 141 was going for £400 and thats on bids . there is no way on earth i or most people can pay that sort of money . i just hope and fingers crossed bachmann do a re run and soon that would may be putt a stop to this sort of practice
  11. thanks guys every one has been really helpful as I only started this post yesterday I will give the e mail address a go cheers kev
  12. well I have got a bit more progress the shop link works and brings up the old site pages but not sure if that means you can order not have ing a face book account
  13. thanks tried the face book link I can browse through to a point but not have ing a face book account that kind of hits the buffers for me
  14. thanks war bonnet yes I wiil be most interested in some cement bubbles in a weeks time nearer pay day thanks
  15. thanks leslie for the reply . yes it says some think about a domain I do hope it comes back cheers kevin
  16. Hi all I have just come back to the irish railway model ing seen and would like to ask if any can tell me what has happened to Irish freight models site all that comes up when I search is times for irish ferrys travel etc have they stopped trade ing they did lots of good rolling stock thanks kevin
  17. hi just wanted to ask is your 181 class still for sale thanks . kevin
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