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Everything posted by Alan564017

  1. Micky Flanagan doing thomas the tank, priceless.
  2. hope this isnt too daft but here goes. I have two MM 121's B125 and B131 DCC, no sound. Both run fine no issue there and they have reasonably low mileage. After running for a while, there is an odour from B131, the best way I can describe it is a 'Scalextric transformer' odour, its not pungent or foul. You have to get very up close to notice. It doesnt get hot or impinge on anything, is there any possible latent issue, do some parts need oiling?
  3. Hi, just a general query, these look interesting. Has anybody tried them on say Cravens or cement bubbles? Do they have any vertical tolerance/movement for transitioning onto a gradient?
  4. many thanks Robert
  5. Sorry about the poor picture, this is something that has fallen off a tara mines wagon, its about 2mm x say 8mm, cant for the life of me find out where it goes. I found about three of them on the layout so far.
  6. Hi, this is a slightly unusual issue I have, I know how to solve it, I just dont know whats causing it. I have two Murphy Models 121's and of course I run them as a double header. Im usually diligent enough to dissolve the double hear before I turn the command station off. When I turn it on again, neither loco will move, individually or under the double header address. If I then set up the double header, the locos will move together, I then dissolve the double header, each loco will move on its own address. Then I turn off the command station and its deja vu all over again. Other locos are not affected, its a hornby elite by the way.
  7. Noel / irishthump, I'm currently playing with CV's 2, 5 and 6 to develop a simple curve and get them to match. I've just read a more recent edition of the Hornby Elite manual, there is a section about CV 29. Through CV 29 bit 4, do I have to choose which type of speed curve I want to use (or alter)?
  8. Noel, run in, both directions, DC and DCC. See the thread above for more detail.
  9. irishthump, I eventually figured it out, its picking function F1, and each loco tore off for about a meter. it didnt have much of an overall effect. I think I have CV 2 and CV5 almost settled. Im currently messing with CV6. Noel, im using LocPilot, got them with the loco
  10. irishthump, I tried CV54 to 0 on both locos, unfortunately no result, it did adjust some of the CV's I had previously altered. I've reset them to their original values (each decoder had identical values as you would expected). Im going to give it one more go, its become a very frustrating exercise. Same locos, same decoders, a double header straight out of the box should have been possible as others have done. Thanks for you help
  11. irishthump, thanks for that. I think I understand the F1 button, on the Elite its the controller 1 (a dial that is pressed to select). the locos have definitely been run in on both DC and DCC. From out of the box, B131 ran faster than B125, I put them on a simple loop on the 12 and 6 o'clock positions and one eventually caught up with the other. I then put in the decoders, same thing, I swapped the decoders, same thing. I think this suggests this is either a mechanism issue or power delivery issue. Im playing with the CV's at the moment, I've read CV's 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on both decoders and they had identical values. I think I have CV5 max speed almost there by reducing the speed of the faster loco. CV 3 acceleration is proving difficult, im down to altering values by units of one, put its still not perfect. When you say altering CV 54 to 0 may have to be done two or three times, will it have to be reset to its original value and then set it to 0 again? Again, all the help is much appreciated, not a road i've been down before
  12. irishthump, im only getting to look at this now. just a quick recap, I have a Hornby Eilte, two 121's, same decoders, running at different speeds. Im currently trying to adjust the relevant CV's with limited success. Your comment above on CV 54, I dont have an F1 button!! (Hornby Eilte), I presume this should be done on the programme track (as per Eilte instructions). Adjusting other CV's on the programme track (which is currently a single length of R601) never moves the loco. If i adjust CV 54 while on the programme track will it move? Will the CV 54 auto-tune feature aid speed matching (double header) and will it undo any adjustment thus far? Many thanks in advance,
  13. thanks for the replies , very helpful. Forgot to ask in the original question about the soldering wire availability.
  14. hi, looking for advice on soldering irons, where and what to purchase. Thanks in advance.
  15. Robert, many thanks, very helpful
  16. I want to try upgrade the software of a hornby elite (never done, long over due). Is there a particular name for the connection wire between the elite and a PC?. At the PC end its a USB port, at the eilte end it looks like a 'telephone' type socket. Havent found much info elsewhere, there was some mention of a printer type cable. Any help much appreciated.
  17. Lambeg man, thanks for the reply. it that page 7 of 'General Chat' of elsewhere?
  18. Bob229, thanks for the reply, I rang Marks Models earlier today and they said they were no longer taking on repairs, they are looking to out source them.
  19. is anybody interested in doing loco repairs, I have on that needs wiring soldered and another that requires alterations to CV's will pay for service.
  20. Alan564017


  21. got the ballast bundle delivered today, lovely looking yokes. Box and contents all good, many thanks to the IRM people.
  22. many thanks lads
  23. lads, i just got this e-mail, are IRM using An Post to deliver the ballast bundles. Its a bit ambiguous, it says it could not be delivery on the 08.12.2020 but the scheduled delivery time is between the 9th and the 12th. It looks for a credit card payment of €1.00, before I do this I just want to make sure its legit, never seen this before. The e-mail address is came from is 'An Post <consumerline@comreg.ie>'
  24. Georgeconna, isnt that why people really read the death notices
  25. has anybody received their ballast bundle yet, the ones with the ballast wagons and the ploughs?
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