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Everything posted by Alan564017

  1. try this on the hattons web site http://www.ehattons.com/26003/Hornby_R8572_Twin_Rail_Viaduct/StockDetail.aspx
  2. thanks for that Dave, your package sounds interesting I had a look at the hornby digital points decoder, it manages 4 sets of points, if im getting it right your system can do 12? I have a hornby elite, is what your offering compatible with this or is it a stand alone system?
  3. I've being researching point motors (ok looking at pictures) and would be interested in what people think about the ins and outs of same. I currently run locos on DCC, but plan to operate points on DC (trying to operate 2 or 3 locos along with points sounds a bit onerous). The surface mounted point motor seems to simplest to install but is not very visually 'realistic'. Also with the surface mounted, how can it cater with foam underlay as the mechanism would not be at the same level. This leads to another issue with any type of point motor, the points have to be securely fixed to the baseboard, if there is foam underlay will this not create some play (laterally) in the points (or is the underlay squashed tight?).
  4. hi, absolutely fabulous stuff, where did you get the cement silo (did you put decals on yourself?) and where did you get the lattice girder bridge.
  5. showing your age Wrenneire:rolleyes:
  6. As Noel said above, save it as a pdf document and insert it like it was a picture, I did this recently and it came up in the post as a link but was successful.
  7. I actually have a deltic, to my untrained eye (ehem) it looks longer than a class A could be wrong:D
  8. Im in the same boat with the chips, I got a class C a few months ago, spoke about it in a different thread, found the slow running no where as smooth as an MM (didnt expect it to). Advice from the people of much knowledge on this site recommended adjusting CV settings, when I have the courage ill give it a try, but in the mean time if you get yours up and running, id be interested to hear how you get on
  9. Burn, looks great, if you ordered it yesterday I doubt very much you will get it by x mas (from previous experience). I'd be interested in what chip you plan to put in it and in particular CV settings for slow movement.
  10. not fussy, 1970, era, why do you ask?
  11. lads thanks for the replies, I dont think it was an SF (the detailing looked too good) and the idea of buying a kit and trying to make one is just too scary to contemplate. Do SSM do RTR? Burn, sorry I cant remember the thread, it was an old one with plenty of pictures (that narrows it down!!), for some reason Tara Junction comes to mind, but I could be leading you astray.
  12. I was trolling through posts this afternoon and came across a picture of a layout in another thread showing an Class A, slightly weathered but stunning. Who do I bribe/kidnap/rob/hold at gun point to get one?
  13. Noel , looks great. Can I ask....with the track underlay, have you pinned the track to the base. Did it have any effect on point motors? From the picture you appear to have different levels, are they connected and if so what gradients did you use.
  14. It'll be the 70s/80s era 141,181,071,class C, irish cement bubbles, waterford plank wagons, cravens. It wont be happening soon and it will take a while so dont hold your breath!!
  15. Proposed Layout Dec 14.pdf Note sure if the attachment worked (its a pdf) but here goes. Its a proposed layout at design stage. Basically its three tail chasing loops with various sidings and each siding serving a specific purpose. Loops 1 and 2 have rising and falling gradients while loop 3 is flat . The overall size is 4.6x2.3m its all I could get after extensive negotiations with her in doors. Id be interested to hear opinions on gradients, the proposal will be 1/30 (3.3%) which should give me 80mm clearance over a length of 2400mm, i've tried gradients before and my MM models managed them fine, other models had difficulty. One of the gradients will be on a curve which may cause issues. The theme will be freight/industrial so there will be no acres of green field and grazing animals, but is it too dense? The design considerations were the available size and my existing rolling stock. It will evolve and im sure the final result will be completely different, but you have to start somewhere. I've never build scenery, wired points/lighting, scratch built buildings, so this is going to take a while, so if you dont hear from me you know what im at.
  16. thanks irish, i'll give that a try. I understand that it will never perform as well as an MM but then again what can!!
  17. hard to agree or disagree with the comments above, how does the shop in clonmel survive ? (fair play to it), slightly smaller metropolis than waterford. But them again id hazard a guess that most modelers will travel. I enjoy a bit of a noisy in dublin or portlaoise, wouldnt dream of going to the big retailers.
  18. gm171, been there too, not too often, only as finances allow. Have you been to New Ross, I havent, just curious.
  19. Noticed on another thread chat about model shops in Dublin. Does anyone know what happened to The Model Shop in waterford, I know it moved onto the quays but that was about 3/4 years ago, then vump, gone. . Being from KK I found it handy. I got my first model railway fix in there and now I have to go to other dealers and chase the dragon.
  20. 007, agreed, its a simple motor, the info that comes in the box (VERY limited) says its from a hornby class 58 chassis. Its the 'grinding' that bothers me, compared to MM's its very annoying. With that said, I have other hornby models (deltic and pullman) and at low speeds they do the same thing although not as bad.
  21. Cheers Noel, the MM models are no problem over points and you touched on the issue of the SF not being all wheel pick up (not a job I will tackle) which causes the stall. I'll mess around with the CV'S, do you know which CV deals with BEMF?
  22. I have a Class C, came from across the pond DCC ready. Initially I fitted a bachmann 4 function chip (had one to spare) and it kangarooed around the track. So then I tried a bog standard hornby chip, it worked, it was fine at moderate and fast speeds but running it slowly was painful. It 'grinds' , its a horrible noise and the sensitivity at slow speeds is terrible compared to MM models. So I replaced that with a hornby sapphire chip, a little better but slow speeds are not great. Also the acceleration to poor, it takes a while to work its way up to a desired speed. Anybody got any ideas as to what CV settings are required to remedy both issues? While im on a rant, it stalls over points and x crossings at slow speeds, I presume this is the insul frog-v-electro frog issue.
  23. Layout packed away now, in good time time to watch a Kilkenny man (murphy) play John Shelby in the second round of the snooker and doing very well against him as I type.
  24. thanks for all the comments and encouragement. The UK snooker championship is starting soon so everything will have to be boxed up probably at the week end.
  25. Recently new to this site and I thought id share some photos (hope they uploaded successfully). Its not a permanent layout, it shares an attic room with my sons snooker table, so every three months of so its put together for a few weeks. It all dis-assembles and fits in a storage space. Half the fun is figuring out the layout, one of the main constraints is the point operation, they all have to reached manually while standing in the cut out. Over the last few years i've 'irish-ised' the stock and hope to complete this over the next year. Future plans are to make it permanent (hopefully larger, when someone goes to college next year!!) loosely based on some industrial/freight environment, motorise all the points, get a 121, figure out how to do buildings and scenery. So I should be here for the next 15 to 20 years or so.
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