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Everything posted by irishtrains2730

  1. bunched them altogether into one batch,do have a couple of herpa that are dearer,and selling as a job lot.can't find the pic on my computer so hopefully the link to dverts will work http://www.adverts.ie/toy-cars-trains-boats-planes/model-vehicles-suitable-for-irish-trains-1-76-1-87-00/8997772
  2. still for sale
  3. provisionally sold.
  4. €50 really need the money.
  5. now tested and runs fine.
  6. sorry no pics but can get if needed. was bought off of a member hear awhile ago and never used since.it was advertised as in good working order and still believe it is. I'm gonna try for top end money at €70 but always open to offers.
  7. I'd like to keep it as it's the only irish I have apart from an mir 141 but I think I might stick it up for sale in the next few days.cheers for the advice.
  8. cheers for the replies.ye I have one sitting in a cupboard that I was thinking of selling as I need money to restore a mk2 transit minibus but I didn't want to give it away.i know what ya mean about the mm ones as before they came out I sold a river boyne for €475 but even I know they aren't worth a fraction of that now.i saw one on ebay for £150 buy it now but don't think it sold.
  9. what's the going rate these days for a lima 201 river boyne?
  10. SOLD.just the trucks to go.
  11. thanks for the offer but provisionally sold.
  12. any offers before I bin them?
  13. anymore interest before they go back in the cupboard for good?
  14. no interest before they get chucked back in the cupboard for good?
  15. going down the pics Cortina gone red/black mini gone camper,beetle,mg and roadster gone think that leaves 17.
  16. €20 plus post
  17. 10 sold.the rest are 2.50 each or a deal on the rest.
  18. hope this works.infact I think there are 30 cars.
  19. I have a selection of 00 scale cars for sale ideal for that busy layout.some are cararama.mainly modern bmw.mercedes etc and a few older type beetles,etc.i have 25 with 4 being 1:87 scale.€40 the lot plus post.
  20. Trying another bump
  21. That is some level of detail.very nice.
  22. There a few ways of doing it.scruntched up newspaper with chicken wire over then papier mache.polystyrene cut to shape with polyfiller over.mdf cut and then layed on top of each other but staggered back to build up a hillside then as above.
  23. Bos.yes it is daz clay pushed down and then the tractor is driven over a few times before it dries.when dry spray with humbrol earth.
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