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Everything posted by irishtrains2730

  1. very reluctantly selling this model even though I never got round to finishing it.all the bits are there to finish it off paint,parts,transfers etc. it sits on the athearn chasis which was already reduced in length by the seller I think his surname was white but not sure.it weighs in at a hefty 1/2kg which gives it plenty of pulling power.many years ago I attached a piece of thread to around 20 coaches and wagons and it pulled no problem. once again it does need finishing off and I know murphy models have theirs out but this is a bit of irish model history. €65.
  2. got your attention:)
  3. selling the last of my ready to run models.bought this second hand off this site and is in good condition.i've not run it but not sure on the previous owner. €75 ono.
  4. I thought it was only the americans that done big trains.does look a good opportunity.
  5. a mighty fine model.would love to have had one to keep but alas.
  6. how about this one even thought it's 1:87? clooks like a Renault but could be altered to be a ford transcontinental circa 1980's http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HERPA-HO-OO-GAUGE-1-87-SCALE-TRUCK-LORRY-BOXED-/121215981650?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item1c39091852
  7. that is very impressive indeed.
  8. not wishing to hijack but they're replacing the bridge over the rails at buttevant in the next few weeks.they've got the digger in building an access road at the moment.gonna be a horrible concrete jobbie nowt like the one that's been there since around 1840.
  9. just bumping again
  10. be a shame if they don't repair her as it gives a little bit of variety on the boring line these days.
  11. that's a corgi(i think azira)
  12. that looks like it's gonna be a fantastic layout.wish i hadn't sold nearly all my stuff.
  13. that last one was a big bugger.
  14. didn't realise it was o0n.was restoring my cortina in the garage and heard the distant rumble so ran to the garden and just saw it thru the hedgerow but not alot.
  15. best engine ever.used to love seeing them when I was younger. in the second vid the poor bunny didn't make it@2mins.
  16. thieving scum.that railway has been there for at least 40 years.i used to spend ages watching the guys testing out their loco's. wonder how they got it as the park is all locked up at night.
  17. nice little scene going on there.
  18. do like the older diesels reminds me of my youth down at the local station on the london to dover line.
  19. it's areal pain in the bum now foreverything.i'm into classic cars and vans and i recently got a carb off ebay post in uk £9 here £40.luckily i have a van coming over soon so went uk option.i suppose getting cheaper loco's from hattons and rails will make them as dear.
  20. just wondered would an mir 141 be worth much these days?it isn't totally finished but the body is done,not painted and needs the steps fixing.all is there to finish.
  21. they're looking well knackered now,
  22. i'm no expert but I don't think that can be saved!!
  23. just noticed the liitle man on top is he taking bus watching to a new level?
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