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Everything posted by irishtrains2730

  1. nice layout i too would be happy with it.
  2. aramand.she looks nice with all the lights on.
  3. unmade,boxed,€45. now reserved.
  4. i have one and they are fairly straight forward to build.i think i used epoxy resin for the whitemetal parts.
  5. not a problem i have a few here.
  6. i've used my allowance up at the moment so will have to wait a while.
  7. i don't know if mallow has an art shop.i don't suppose daz modelling clay is any good for shamm filling is it?
  8. what about 2 part epoxy resin or will that damage the plastic?
  9. on hold now as i need miliput filler and the nearest model shop is cork!!!
  10. i found this won't glue the kinder egg shells what should i use?
  11. past someones bedtime.
  12. hopefully mine will turn out something like that. they look good for first attempt.
  13. as i was asking some questions on the bubble's i thought i'd give it a go. i've used an old hornby esso tank wagon chasis as i'm not going for total realism this time. cut about 25 mm out of the centre and used the good old kinder egg. sorry about the pic quality not finished yet!
  14. will do.
  15. cheers for the advice.i'm not new to modelling but doing wagons IS new to me.i'm basically cutting up a spare chasis and going the kinder way.if i can make a half decent effort then i will look into buying the parts over a period of time and make a proper one.i know some of you will be thinking why not try a decent one first but i'd rather see what my limits/skills are.
  16. at the moment i'm not going to go for an authentic look.i just want to see if i can make something that looks quite good so i'll probably just use any old chasis cut down just to see what i can do and also i don't have money to be buying specific parts that look original.thanks for the replies.
  17. could someone please tell me how long the chasis/wagon base is for the bubble as i'm getting the urge to scratch build.
  18. that looks nice hopefully i'll be able to save up for one. what's the blue loco next to it?
  19. holy **** batman that's fantastic. often wondered what one would look like.
  20. that was brilliant to see.not being in cork in them days gives me an idea of how and where they ran.
  21. what are my boxed unmade bogie cements worth nowadays?
  22. i have a bogie cement wagon that i could sell.it's not really a spare one but willing to help out.not sure what it is worth now they are not in production anymore. should have mentioned it's in original box and unmade.
  23. they're not really into trains and i don't think they'd appreciate a layout in their room.plus i wouldn't be able to get in there with the mess:((
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