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GNRi1959 last won the day on November 28 2019

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Personal Information

  • Location
    Omagh, Tyrone


  • Biography
    Retired college carpentry instructor, worked on building sites for 11years before going into teaching. Grandfather worked with GNRi for 43years retiring as a sub-permanent way inspector in Omagh, where he was born. Have modelled Omagh Station, which is on permanent display at Omagh Station Centre, built Omagh Goids Yard which is part of Headhunters permanent model exhibition in Enniskillen and also modelled Fintona Horse Tram in 0 gauge, which was purchased by the Folk and Transport Museum, Cultra.


  • Interests
    Rolleiflex cameras, playing clarinet for St.Eugenes Brass and Reed Band

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  1. Back in the mid 80s l got to know Tony and one of his assisting modelling pal David (can't remember his surname). I was building a model of Omagh back then and they were kind enough and copied detailed drawings of several steam locos they measured up before the built them. This was all pre-computer and was a lengthy letter writing exchange.
  2. The last of the pictures........ you will see from close inspection signs of the manufacture process, cutting, glue residue ete. Genuine offers please. Postage will be considered later.
  3. Silver Fox set of last working Derry Road train - more pictures will follow
  4. I also have a U class and UG that haven't seen track yet
  5. Well, I'm happy to sell as they are sitting in a cupboard and I have no layout and they need to be seen
  6. I have a set of genuine Silver Fox railcar and carriages that made up the last train on the Derry Road. They were never run on a layout but were commissioned and never used. The railcar is non-powered so would need to be fitted with a powered bogie unit. All carriages are numbered and everything is detailed as per Silver Fox standard. They are MINT and BOXED. I will post pictures when l return home on Sunday but would be open to sensible offers. I am in Tyrone and can post. If interested PM please.
  7. I haven't even looked at value/cost......
  8. I have no interest really and without a layout, no way of running these.
  9. No agents fee's, no DCC. I also have a Silverfox Models made reconstruction of the last Derry Road train Portadown to Derry (non-powered) that would make a great project for someone with the ability to fit powered bogies.
  10. What would be a fair asking price for both a UG Class and U Class by OO Works. I bought these a couple of years after production was exhausted but they were able to build me what they described as the last one ever to leave the assembly line. So much so, that the UG was not lined, numbered or transferred. Simple black finish. Both are boxed as new and never been on a layout for more than a few hours running and returned to their boxes. I would certainly think consider a sensible offer for both of them, but not split.
  11. Just thinking out loud here, last thing l want is an over expensive track laying experience. Peco may well be a better choice though l never liked their points.
  12. I've not had much additional info but have had some new photographs that are so good.
  13. I wonder if anyone has ever considered or tried hand built trackwork using the C&L plastic sleepers and chairs system?
  14. Great news - Transport Treasury were very pleased with the book, they said they had only 100 copies left in their warehouse
  15. You're a star JB. Thanks
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