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Posts posted by connollystn

  1. 5 hours ago, mmie353 said:

    Apparently from what he said, Bachmann models over here have improved a lot and worth while taking a look at. To be fair to this model it does look nice in the flesh.  Slowly the US locos are growing on me. 

    In general, the quality of American HO model railroad stock has improved immensely. Bachmann seems to have a poor reputation over in the U.S.A. where their models aren't highly regarded , however, I'm sure the Charger will change opinions. The Bachmann model of the AmTrak SC-44 looks very impressive and has been given rave reviews. I'd like to get into modelling more America stock but the models are prohibitively expensive. For example, the Bachmann SC-44 in the link above costs €430 ($453) over here in Europe. I'm very happy with my ScaleTrains SDL39, just have to get some wagons to go with them. Anyway, I'm sure Kato will produce another batch of the Metra coaches as there will be a lot of demand following the release of the Rapido locomotive you have.

  2. @mmie - Was looking at Rapido Trains Inc. video on YouTube with all the variants of the F59PH and they look very impressive. I bought a few Scale Trains SDL39s and the detail and quality of American models is certainly up there with the best of them. The SDL39 as it was mainly designed to operate on short lines so ideal for a small layout, similarly, the F59PH is ideal for a small layout as it can be operated with few bi-level coaches. Love the Metra colour scheme on your Rapido model - have you got stock to operate with them?

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  3. Was on the train yesterday and at Enfield I notice that they are doing something with the up Dublin platform. The platform is split level and hasn't been in use for decades and there is a lot of over-growth that side of the station. Does anyone know if this is just a cosmetic exercise (cleaning up that side of the station) or if it's intended to have an additional platform in operation?

  4. Hi All,

    After almost 54 years on this planet I've figured out how to upload photos onto this forum. See pictures below of the fantastic Scale Trains SDL39. You'd need a magnifying glass to pick out all of the details. The images have been taken indoors under artificial light so you won't be able to appreciate how good these locomotives are. Very tempted to purchase two more, later versions, with DCC + sound.



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  5. @raymurph - I bought a couple of new locomotives from the U.S.A., had to pay 112€ customs but still worked out 100€ cheaper than buying in Europe (Britain included). I've never bought off eBay so don't know what additional charges would be incurred when purchasing from them in the U.S.A. but you can be sure that they, like PayPay, will want their pound of flesh.

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  6. @Mayner - Thanks for that post. Purchased my first North American diesels recently so it's my first introduction to the Kadee coupler. Won't be buying any stock to run with them as I'm waiting to see what new Irish announcements are to be made.

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  7. 13 hours ago, JasonB said:

    Are you on some sort of commission or bonus scheme from IRM? 

    Wish I was. It was Euvirail's review of the A1 which prompted me to purchase the A30 (A1 was sold out by then) and there are a few other versions of the I.R.M. A class I wished I'd purchased also. I'm not chained to any particular era or strict prototypical consists - I'd be comfortable oprating a silver A with a set of Mark IIIs. While I type this response the A30 is gleaming in the sunshine which is highlighting the exquisite details - it's a joy to behold. 

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