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Posts posted by connollystn

  1. Have to say that I'm more than a tad jealous. Models of British railway prototypes have come a long way and, in some cases, are on a par with their continental European counterparts. Won't be long before they match them on prices also. I'll watch Dean Park's review of the APT again - it'll be the nearest I'll get to owning one.

  2. I like the ICR 22000 sets. They're modern, comfortable and there's minimal noise intrusion into the cabin from the engines underneath. The biggest noise intrusion is from other rail users on their 'smart' devices doing whatever it takes to annoy others in the same carriage.

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  3. Just watched Dean Park Model Railway review Hornby R3478 [APT 7 car set]. He highlighted some issues but, have to say, it really looked good on his layout. Price wise it's in the 700€ range - gives a rough idea of what a similar length IE 22000 might cost.

  4. It's hard to avoid buying items from the mainland, sometimes, it just has to be done. It's a bit of a nuisance but you should think about the value of what you're buying (are you happy with what you've bought) and not the price. 

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  5. Fcek! Ordered a couple of items from England today and totally forgot about the customs. Excluding bills, letters from my employer and, the hospital, it'll be the first time I'm not looking forward to getting something in the post. Before the majority of British voters put the 'X' in the wrong box it took up to 2 weeks for me to receive parcels from the main-land. It'll be interesting to see how lo g it will take now.

  6. Hi All, Hornby announced their 2022 range early this morning and only sad auld gits like, who haven't much else to live for, sat through the whole excruciating event. It was fairly non-eventful and was nearly enough to send me back to sleep, however, needed to sign on at the Intreo office so had to stay awake. Anyway, while their announcements may have seemed uneventful, it was followed later by a YouTube video from Rapido Trains [UK]. Seemingly Hornby are going to produce something which Rapido Train had announed that they'll be manufacturing for which only they [Rapido] have the rights to do so. This is going to be intesting (certainly a lot more interesting than Hornby's line-up for 2022.

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  7. Hello Mr 'Warbonnet', I know that you're busy trying to offload the remainder of the As but there are a number of us on here who passed the Leaving Cert (a long time ago) and are wondering when you are going to mention one of the new announcements for 2022. We're seven days into the new year and there hasn't been a word of what's in store for the forthcoming 12 months for us Irish Railway Modellers.

    PS. It was jhb171achill who put me up to this*

    *I went to the Boris Johnson School of Not Accepting Responsibility for any of my actions**

    **I did not type this response following the consumption of copious amounts of alcohol***

    *** What does 'copious' mean?



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  8. Hi guys, the moaning and complaining stops here. I remember a time when I'd go to the ends of the Earth to get my hands on any Lima 'CIE' model (I certainly know that some of you did also), they were desperate times. We've come from one extremity to another. 20 years ago we had nothing and now, we have models that compare to the best. I practically shed a tear when I got my Murphy Models 121 - it is so good and didn't think anything else would ever compare - then I.R.M. produced the A class. It [A Class] is the model I was waiting for most of life and still can't believe they've actually come to fruition. If I'm desperate enough for a wagon I'll buy a multi-pack - certainly better than any respray of a British Rail prototype. I commend the guys, Patrick Conboy et al, for their hard work and dedication to bringing us such fantastic models. We Irish Railway Modellers owe them a lot of gratitude.

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  9. The reality is that Accurascale (and I.R.M.) are bringing models of rolling stock to the market that otherwise may not have been produced in any shape or form by other manufacturers. The thread in that forum [New Railway Modellers] about Accurascale wagon packs will be a minority view. Modellers should be more than grateful for the amount of investment in both money and time that manufacturers go through to get their product to you. Murphaph made a useful suggestion (see above) which should help those who only want one item from a multi-pack.

    PS. I only want one Rolo..................

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  10. Excludind the Luas* what has Alstom successfully produced for the Irish rail network?

    *Luas is the Gaelic for 'speed'**

    **Does not apply to trams operating in the city centre***

    ***I love using asterisks****

    ****There I go again*****

    *****Can't help myself******************

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