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Posts posted by connollystn

  1. I like your optimism. You should print off some of the pics of the IRM As that are on this thread an place them in the cabinet and replace them with the actual models when they arrive before Christmas 20........

    • Funny 4
  2. @wrenneire - Thanks very much for those Fleischmann container wagons - really delighted with my purchases. They've saved a few of my locomotives from being culled. If you ever come across similar or other Fleischmann items which you think might be of interest to me just let me know. Thanks again.

    • Thanks 1
  3. @wrenneire - thanks for posting the list. Have sent you a private message regarding some of the container wagons. The later models of the 40' container bogie wagons [DB AG era] are hard to come by - think it's been over ten years since Fleischmann last produced them.

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  4. Hi Wrenneire, I'm culling my Fleischmann collection but, don't want to rid myself of all of it as it's nice to switch from Irish models to German [DB AG] stock. I am low on container wagons, P&O, DHL, ECS, K-Line, Norasia, NOL and one or two others - these are a mix of two axle and bogie wagons. If you have a list of your Fleischmann stock there might be other bits that I'd be interested in.

    I think that selling anything other than Irish models on here would be hard as a lot of people might think this site is solely for people who model Irish rather than Irish people who are railway modellers.

    PS. Where can I get an e-postcard so I can put my answers on it?

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