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Posts posted by connollystn

  1. Yeah! Lets get back to the topic at hand. Looking at the chart it seems the early diesels are at the bottom, this may have something to do with there being no prototypical wagons to run with them. All said, anything around 50% on pre-order is very good. It reminds me of the Celtic Tiger when people were buying property off the drawings (before the houses/apartments were completed) [getting side tracked again!].

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  2. @Bumble_Bee. I intended sticking to the IR liveried era, however, some of the liveries look better on some locomotives and coaches than they do on others. When the 121s were released I had every intention of just getting one or two of each of the IR/IE liveried versions but bought the greys and the black & tans instead. So, like yourself, I like to mix my stock from different eras - not hung up on what exactly ran with what in what year and at what time.

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  3. The one thing I like about modelling push-pull trains is that I can change the direction without having to run around the engine. The Mark III DVTs would be a great addition to any layout.

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  4. That's brilliant news. Glad to see that there will be an up-to-date version of the most important model of an Irish prototypical locomotive. I was wondering if this would ever happen.

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  5. Some model railway shops will buy part or whole collections. I know that Rails of Sheffield buy second hand items and, I've seen some places on mainland Europe advertising the same also. No point in holding onto stock that you're not going to use. When I've sold items in the past I've done so on the basis that they are of no modelling value to me and was better off selling them. Some of your HAG Re 460s maybe more valuable than others - depending on which advertisement they carry. It'd be worth checking out eBay to see what the going rate for second hand HAG items are going for so you have some idea what you should be getting. There is a classifieds section on here also, you should check that out but, the market for continental model railway items in Ireland is quite small.

  6. There's just something about the quality of those locomotives [HAG Re 460s] you can't beat. I keep looking at them and saying that someday I'll rid myself of them but can't bring myself 'round to doing so. Maybe I'll keep them and just get a few wagons to run behind them. There's just no way that I'd recoup anywhere near what I paid for them. Mind, when I bought them at the time they were for keeps and I never buy anything thinking what their value will be in years to come, otherwise, they'd been left in the boxes untouched.

  7. We mustn't forget the Murphy Models 'Lima' 201 - that's what really started it all. While it's not comparable in terms of his later models it is the first model of an actual Irish locomotive prototype. We've been a bit spoilt since but there was a lot of excitement back then and many of us at the time couldn't believe our eyes when we actually saw the model. No longer had we to imagine that the supertrain liveried BR Class 33 was meant to be an 'A' or 'C' (take your pick), the Lima 201 was the real deal. When I look at my Murphy Models 121s and how detailed they are I wonder did we ask for too much? I spend more time looking at rather than running them, they are the créme de la créme of the 00 model diesel locomotive world. So "Thank you" to Paddy Murphy is the least we can say.

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