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  1. https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/excaliburauctions/catalogue-id-excali10047/lot-6a1b0625-2d21-4d7a-840c-ad6100d848dd Cie Hymek on auction. Auctioneer estimate £20 - £50. Maybe someone here likes to add to their collection of rubbish. To be fair. When I was a kid my Hornby Hymek ran great compared to my Lima 33. Both BR by the way.
  2. View Advert American Outline Job Lot HO. I've never posted an advert before and just realised that on desktop mode I get prompts to enter the relevant information and correct formats and photos. can I ask the moderator to please excuse me and remove the original (if I can't) I'm clearing out old American Outline stuff, Irish RTR has taken over. Locos :Spectrum Amtrak F40, Athearn Locos x 3, Model Power Loco. All tested and running but definitely could do with a service. Also a boxed Athearn Body. Coaches:ConCor Amtrak Superliners x 4 unboxed Freight:Various Athearn Cars x 14 (6 unboxed) All except Model Power Loco have Kadees. 3 of the locos have old basic Lenz decoders. I have no real idea of price but looking up the well known auction site I reckon the wagons and coaches fetch €15 each and Locos anything from €20 to €80 each hence I've arrived at a lot price. I really would prefer to sell direct to an end user as opposed to a reseller but also a realist Location - Swords, I can deliver North Dublin if really nnecessary. Viewing mandatory as I don't want to disappoint or give anyone a wrong impression. Also I have loads more individual photos. Advertiser Drew Date 08/07/21 Price €350 Category Locomotives
  3. Made a mess of this
  4. I just visited the Casino today and I think a fine job has been done and was very impressed, The Irish Railway displays before entering the main room along with some of the Fry collection was excellent. A huge improvement on The Castle (Why did it close? Did FCC accept a big offer to build the retail park instead?) as the castle didn't go into Cyril Fry, the man, the modeller and the vastness of his collection. I agree with the comments earlier on the main room. The cabinets are good but the room is too narrow to accomplish what is being attempted. Nice to see the desire here to keep upgrading as the real impact of the castle was the frenetic activity which I loved. I heard earlier how FCC dictated layout over the layout experts but the centre piece is 4 great models but it's a landscape model rather than the original showcase of Irish Railways history. Bray Head fabulous but lacks information for the visitor on where Bray Head is, why there's an empty tunnel, (Fabulous Models for the builders to be proud of by the way). Same goes for Malahide, Mallow. The screens with the full collection pictured, is I am sure a work in progress with more detail to be provided on why, where, when etc. This is really good but lost in the narrow space unfortunately. Maybe should be in an earlier room. Finally, the shop is extremely poor and should be selling rail stuff. Mad that all it had was a Hornby starter kit along with Tourist Tat. Why not Murphy Models and IRM stuff plus something to allow the visitor to put together a "play set" of what they've seen. Probably Shannon Tourism blinkers I know. I'd give it all an 8/10, much more of a serious museum than previous (7/10) but a lot of good has been lost of the previous that I'm sure you already know and would love to be given the chance to fix. I hope nobody is offended here, I could never hope to do 10% of the quality. I have no intention to criticise.
  5. Thanks George, I think I'm sorted with Marks. Just have to hide under the stairs and contact with payment details.
  6. I tried buying RPSI coaches listed as Bachmann Trains on Adverts but the seller blocked me as I refused to collect during lockdown. She has now blocked me again on a new account (zero feedback I guess) . She accepted 120 originally although I'm only looking for 1701 or 1702. They're still there and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me where else I might get some or would be interested for yourself.
  7. I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw this. May be rubbish but I'll let the viewers decide on this auction lot. I hope I am allowed post links. https://bid.excaliburauctions.com/auctions/7478/excali10025/lot-details/7b724c44-6398-4236-827d-abd3017e7737
  8. Drew

    Class 121

    I knew there was a thread but took a while to find the shops forum. Hope my other question is answered there thanks
  9. Drew

    Class 121

    I didn't see a response to Leslie's question on the actual driving motors. I did see HEP responses. Maybe I gave up scrolling too soon. Also, apart from Marks Models, can I ask for a list of who else on this island will be selling the 121s please? I don't trust Paddy's site being up to date. Based upon a few comments which I fully agree with, I'll be cancelling my order for 3 from Hattons.
  10. Drew

    Class 121

    I agree that deserving local retailers need and should be supported. However, I have never given my business to a prominent Dublin retailer since myself and my 7 year old son were followed around the shop making sure we either didn't touch anything or maybe shove it up our jumpers. I don't do business with people who have insulted me. I lament the loss of Seamus's shop and since then have exclusively bought from the UK and IRM direct. Monck place was a dreamland to me at 5ish when my Dad bought my first set. (I seem to recall a tailchaser around the wall, am I wrong? and also a shop in Leeson St?, Terrys in Henry St, A shop where the Jervis Ctr is now and then one behind Clerys) No need to ask where they have all gone. Ireland has online retailers selling car parts across Europe, if they can do that, why not model retailers? Oh! Forgot my local shop Hobbies in Malahide where the owner was so patient with me just gazing!
  11. Hi Sorry, I didn't reply sooner. Been on holidays. Thats useful info. Charlie came back to my question too and suggested a Lima Mk 3. Pity he didn't suggest Hornby, a little easier to obtain. Thanks Andrew
  12. Wondering what the best fit chassis is to fit the resin body that DCKits supply as a DVT kit please. There's nothing provided with it with suggestions. thanks everyone.
  13. I always felt that Bachmann would have been better repainting their Class 150 in Irish livery. I repainted a 150 at one stage from Dapol I think it was (not sure) definitely not Bachmann. Still not a 2700 or a 29000 but a bit closer than what they did in my opinion. Sorry for the slow reply.
  14. I used a Dapol Class 150 as a commuter dmu. windows all wrong but to me it makes a good representation. Bachmann do them now if you look at ehattons.com
  15. Why the "cut here" markings I wonder?
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