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JM Design new materials, finer detail and lower prices!

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We have received our first production order from a new supplier and we are now able to sell our 3D printed wagons at a lower price point!

Our new supplier has the capability to print models in engineering resins including an ABS-like resin similar to that NZ based company that carried out some of our original prototyping and production, though to a higher resolution.

I have a small number of open wagons, vans and grain wagons available from stock, but I will be in the States visiting family and friends and won't be able to process orders from late June to Mid July.



The label clip and oval plate which our previous supplier struggled to print is now clearly defined.


GSWR van detail clearly defined few 'tell tale" signs of 3D printing.


A small number of CIE & GSWR Vans, Standard Open and GSR Bulk Grain are currently available from stock.

Unfortunately a batch of Brake Van bodies were badly damaged in the post and unusable.


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Decorated model of 15653 as an example of the standard of prints from our new supplier.

Although the painting was a bit of a rush job, the surface detail is nicely re-produced on all four sides of the wagon body with little of the tell-tale signs of 3D printing.

The body on this model was printed in what's described as a "tough-resin" the chassis in an ABS-like Resin which appears to have similar properties to our original print output. 









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