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loco has stopped running on dcc

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Hi all,

I have a 181 class that is chipped and recently has stopped running on a dcc line. I have cleaned the track, loco wheels etc and have ran other dcc models on the line with no problems. The loco will run on a dc line, but only in one direction. Would appreciate any ideas or advice on what the problem might be? Also, am I correct in thinking that dcc fitted locos can be used on a dc line but that dc locos are best not run on dcc lines?

Thanks in advance, Tommy.

8 answers to this question

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  Sulzer201 said:
Hi all,

I have a 181 class that is chipped and recently has stopped running on a dcc line. I have cleaned the track, loco wheels etc and have ran other dcc models on the line with no problems. The loco will run on a dc line, but only in one direction. Would appreciate any ideas or advice on what the problem might be? Also, am I correct in thinking that dcc fitted locos can be used on a dc line but that dc locos are best not run on dcc lines?

Thanks in advance, Tommy.


It could be the chip, try putting a chip from another loco or a new one in to see if the loco works again.

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I would try resetting the decoder back to the factory defaults.




Wherever possible 'I turn off' the DC running capability on the decoders in my locos.


A question, does the loco always run in the same absolute direction? ie does it run forwards no matter which direction you place it on the track? Say it runs to the left, and then you turn the loco, it now runs to the right? When on DC of course.


Oh, and never run DC locos on DCC for any length of time, it destroys the motor, possibly involving the magic smoke too(!)



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  Sulzer201 said:
Hi all,

I have a 181 class that is chipped and recently has stopped running on a dcc line. I have cleaned the track, loco wheels etc and have ran other dcc models on the line with no problems. The loco will run on a dc line, but only in one direction. Would appreciate any ideas or advice on what the problem might be? Also, am I correct in thinking that dcc fitted locos can be used on a dc line but that dc locos are best not run on dcc lines?

Thanks in advance, Tommy.


It's all a mater of illimination.

Remove the chip and if you still have a DC controller try running the loco on a DC test track or a 12v DC power supply.

If all works OK then it possibly is the chip, try another chip.

If it still does not run or runs in one direction only then a possible bad or broken connection at the motor.

Try a 12v DC direct to the motor without the chip in.


A little more information would help like what DCC system are you using (Lenz etc) and who's chip are you using (Bachmann, Lenz silver etc.)

Do the lights work on DCC & DC.


Hope this helps.


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  Sulzer201 said:
Thanks Wiggy - I will try these suggestions - I didn't want to tell the make of the DCC system - it's a dynamis!!! the chip is Bachy, lights work on DC, not on DCC.



Lights work on DC so I assume you have taken the chip out.??

Lights not working on DCC with chip in.???

Is that correct.??

Sounds a bit like the chip has gone.

BUT if you take the chip out and then put the loco on to the DCC track then ALL the lights should come on as far as I know.

I don't have the dynamis system just the Lenz so not sure if that is correct for that system.


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  Sulzer201 said:
Yes that's about it Wiggy, I will think it may be the chip alright. Thanks again to you and all the lads for time and advice.


If it is the chip just be aware of what may have caused it to go.

Is there a fault with the loco or just a fault with the chip.


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