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Home for the Railway Part 6

An interesting couple of weeks converting the office to a guest room served as a spur to get things sorted out on the Narrow Gauge layout and move most of the work shop items out to the work shop strange that ;).


Some interesting things turned up long lost drill sets and other tools together with odd pieces of rolling stock.


The Narrow Gauge layout originally ran across the top of a computer desk and scanner printer.


Eye level is great in theory but it was difficult to work on and you could not see the trains when they passed into the cutting beside the engine shed.


I dropped the layout down cutting a recess in the baseboard for the printer, replaced and painted the fascia.




We might even have a C&L engine back in service soon No 8 can manage the curves on the Tramway after modifying the bogie to a swing link arrangement, she is a tad faster than the Dingle locos having the same drive but larger driving wheels.




One of the next jobs is to motorise or at least get the turntable working, it started life 9 years ago as a Peco N Scale table was converted to 3' gauge then got a replacement Peco HOm deck. The signal is built from Model Signal Company then Sprat & Winkle parts bought at the Brighton exhibition after my first week working in London in 1986.




Cattle special leaving town the buildings are built from Wills material packs, the shed roof is from a Ratio coal shed kit, the signal cut down SSM.


I have used Micro trains N Scale couplers but I am looking at Kadee HOn3 as the operation is not reliable enough.




Recommended Comments



You're really making progress now, John! :)



I haven't looked in for a while John and I am delighted to see your progress. Great modelling and a great inspiration.



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