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  1. Hi all I'm curious if any of the current IRM bullied based wagons ever ventured into the North, places such as the derry road or irish north west particularly. as when I come to creating a layout based on my irish stock I'll most likely base it somewhere local to me.
  2. sayhall27

    rpsi mk2

    305 has yet to see service and is still in the workshop pending work, so technically would not be correct to put it onto the rake. same goes for 304 as its in IE livery atm. to create a suitable rake you would have a follows, 463, 180/181, 300, 547. 302, 301, 303, 460, for the pre covid rake, current rake omits 547. i dont think both 180 and 181 ran together, this makes the missing coaches 302 and 303. 303 will be the harder one to model as it is an aircon mk2d, but has been model in irish rail form from murphys.
  3. I'll be there shovelling all coal I to 3bg. Can't wait for it. Just hope I can get a break mid day to see the models
  4. I can as a UMRC member confirm that it is not ardrath visiting but another similar N guage layout
  5. ive been considering building a few cages myself from bits and bobs and was curious about the dimensions of the various cages used to transport kegs on flat wagons.
  6. Thanks again JHB. Wonderful advice as always. Now I can run my cravens and laminate esk brake thirds in one train without worry. Just need a few non brake laminate in green or black and tan to make it even more variety.
  7. If it's the same as the whitehad Mk2s then the star is to show a shunter or any person who is about the train. Where the "chain" to manually dump each brake cylinder is. Number 68 also has these fitted as is common. For the ballast wagon you have shown you can see above the star what looks like a moulding shape of a handbrake lever. Must have been a way to move a few coaches if a nonbrake piped vehicle is between the loco and coach. For the ballast wagon you have shown you can see above the star what looks like a moulding shape of a handbrake lever. So slightly different than the Mk2 use Answer is from my experience shy ring both 68 and the Mk2s.
  8. Hello its me again. I have decided i may want to have a few kits from the Worsley range. these would be an MED, 70 class and GNR railcar6/7. I'm a little stuck as to what other components would be required to create these kits. is it just a set of frame and bogies (plus motor) or will there be nmore to it than that. These would be my first kits i ever build. but as no RTR is available for anything similar i thought i would give it a good go
  9. Wow thanks again john. Your info is very well detailed and amazing. It'll be great to get all of the above stock running some day. As an update my layout may be changing names (for the 3rd time already). With a loft space now becoming available in our home I have the possible decision of doing a 2 station layout atm it falls to a what if warranpoint never closed. The idea would be having goraghwood on one side and warranpoint on the other wall. Main line trains would have a continued run thru a hidden or raised track behind warranpoint and branch trains have the line connecting the 2 stations. Atm with my array of LMS and GWR rolling stock I could run it with them mixed until I build up my Irish models (so far they are only 111 and 112, 142 in super train, 6 cravens 3 mk2s and EGV in various liveries of orange and soon to be painted maroon and blue MK2s for NIR) And for those curious. Warranpoint will if I can manage it be a portable layout for shows.
  10. Thanks John. I plan to use DC initially with possible conversions later to DCC. Most areas in my layout won't need multiple locos wjere points won't separate them so hoping the wiring is going to be simple enough. And over the next few months I'll learn from the UMRC layout and see how it's wired up
  11. here is the first stage of the layout planned out, rough idea knowing the space i will have available to me. Based on Portadown from Ian Sinclair's Along UTA Lines with a few changes around the sheds and good sidings to make better use of space.
  12. research has begun and working towards my first realm layout from scratch. in the end my ideas will combine that of the busy Great Northern mainline between Dundalk and Belfast. time period will be 1950s to late 1970s. this enables a variety o locos and rolling stock. however intial plans i drew up on a modelling software made me realise that to model the track around Portadown would require at least a 20ft scenic board far beyond my scope and space. this means the layout will be combining the themes of Portadown with that at goraghwood. portrayed if the area around Goraghwood had been enhanced more as a railway junction. hopefully soon i can get access to the layouts 'home' and get stuck in
  13. After looking into modelling and picking my layout location and period I now have a dilemma. What projects in making my layout do I do first and how do I budget the buying of items I need. Bare in mind my bigger shed cannot be built till the end of the month. My projects will be: Building the layout. Modifying locos Creating a coach/ carriage fleet Modifying wagons or kit building. Kit building a GNR loco or 2
  14. Hi all just want to say the work of all the people creating Irish models is fantastic for us wanting to protray an Irish railways scene. John look at silver fox models they do both an AEC and BUT railcar pair as a kit or ready to run along with many other Irish "delights" I'm considering looking I to them myself after a number of projects first.
  15. As ever I'm still very inquisitive and planning for future work. I am curious what paints/colours are available to recreate the early NIR red and cream livery or the maroon and blue. For UTA livery is older coaches in southern region green or BR green be sufficient with railtec transfers applied.
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