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Edo last won the day on November 7 2023

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  1. Edo

    IRM Is Changing

    Just been on my new accurascale account.................noticed that the Park Royal orders that I placed back when - but not paid yet - have increased in price - is this because the discounts at the time have not transferred over yet? ............one order is up about 45 quid and the other about 25 or so.........ok its not the end of the world - but it would have been nice to have been told..............
  2. Hi guys just noticed that the Park Royals are gone up to 90 quid each on the website ...........is this right? Will the price I booked them at over the last year or so be honoured? thanks Ed
  3. So they werent used on the Magnesite trains or the foynes coal and oil trains?
  4. hmm Would they have been seen in the South?.....on other lines other than Sligo?
  5. Is there a chance of any white smoke this year?
  6. Dare I ask where IRM are on this project? Thanks
  7. As suggested above - I removed the central wheel and problem solved. In fairness I do have a few "naughty" curves made from flexitrack that are pushing the envelope so I wasnt shocked - all my bogie stock and 4 wheelers have had no problems - most of the locos too...with exception of some of the more stubborn members of my A class fleet..between derailments, oil leaks and gears slipping and motors giving trouble...i know we want prototypical..but Jaysis! I might do as Old Blarney has suggested and give each wagon a good check up and a bit of lubrication if necessary.
  8. Arrived Wednesday Look fantastic - however very unforgiving of any degree of sharpness in turns....I'll swapping out the couplers for kadees and they'll probably go in the display until I move to the attic - my den corner curves are too tight in places for them....
  9. Shipped and on the way - Yeaah! Cant wait based on pics above!
  10. Dont mind them Lads.......take it easy - there is no hurry......give me a a chance to replenish the toy train fund.... Park Royals are now in production along with the H vans....and the grain vans are on the way....according to the status thingy on the IRM shop website.
  11. Hi Guys I'd say Rails are going in the same order that the invoices went out......i was among the last to get one so im not surprisesd. Also id say Uk deliveries seem to be going out - thats a big anount....all of us outside Brexitstan will have to wait....brexit has made moving goods a bureaucratic nightmare and all those commerical invoices in triplicate to all our individual addresses that have to be processed individually...this is a small family business - not Amazon.....hopefully Mr Starmer can work out something with the EU in the medium term cos its killing small UK businesses.....
  12. Excellent
  13. Indeed - it actually hopped off on a bit of bad soldering before the point - the A 's are quite unforgiving of any deviation of the trackwork...stuff the 121s, 141s and 071s just fly over.....only took the first of my As out of the box over the last couple of days and I've already fixed up a few spots.....all part of the fun!
  14. Well here we are 95% of the track laid and wired up - just the sidings to be done. Cobalt points set up and wired in, solenoid points wired in - all on Dcc currently - track is Dc - but dcc ready - will switch over as i get locos chipped. Can finally start to thnk about scenics
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