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Dr Gerbil-Fritters

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Everything posted by Dr Gerbil-Fritters

  1. same here, but mine are the 2 x 20' CIE containers...
  2. 080 made it to the shed today, it's finally stopped raining... needs sound chip, KDs and so on. I suppose one day I will weather the fleet...
  3. Not much going on here t the moment, in fact I've not ventured across the marshes to the shed in a month or so. However, 080 in IR small logo was purchased on Saturday, and a rattle can of RAL2011 should appear shortly so perhaps there will be some activity soon! I am on the look out for donor Mark 3s.... (sounds of the Accurascale Mark 3 production line starting up....)
  4. I think the shorties are built differently from normal coaches. Instead of a complete shell with insert windows, I think they have a transparent insert the whole length of the coach with the windows printed on. Looking at examples on ebay the fit of the transparent insert is often poor ruining the smooth sided appearance of the mark 3. I have 30 inch curves and my full length mark 3 pp set looks ok. They're such distinctive coaches I can live with incorrect doors but not incorrect length.
  5. Paint order placed with Vinny, cheers BTB. Now to find a suitable Mark 3!
  6. I'm a bit late with this, should have posted last night really. One of the stands, I believe it to be Harveys Hobbies, anyway its near the entrance and Bachmann, had 7 071s for sale yesterday all BNIB. They'll have 6 today, as I snapped up 080 in IR small logo.
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  7. Who makes RAL2011? I can't find it as a rattlecan...
  8. What brand of paint and colour are you chaps using? Looks like repainting MK3s is the only way I'll be getting any... (Fran are you listening?)
  9. Not on pax though? I should still get over and see them... As well as the Rail Enthusiast article, this was what really got me enthused A series of magnificent videos from Gerry Conmy. This sequence in particular was so atmospheric. Seemingly frequent express passengers too, where were they all going?
  10. This is where it all started, Rail Enthusiast magazine issue 2, June/July 1981. Only 38 years later and I can actually buy excellent models of Big GMs off the shelf... Funny how that article stuck with me for all those years, and planted a seed if you will. I've still not actually been to Ireland... no point now, with no GMs and MK2s/Mk3s...
  11. heavens, I wouldn't want to lose my member over pricing.... or over-pricing for that matter
  12. I was at art school with her
  13. Thanks chaps, now I can see what was going on. Those tin bath wagons! Now, what's this arrangement called? It seems a very distinctive feature on CIE four wheel wagons of a certain vintage, and the only British Railways wagon I've come across with a similar arrangement is the Perstwin Cement wagon. I used one of the old Airfix kits to provide such an underframe on a recent kitbash. I think Gloucester Cemflos also had this arrangement originally.
  14. now he tells me.... <looks askance at his grey bubbles and tippex coaches> <edit> oh wait... you mean dark grey bubbles.... sigh of relief
  15. What is this 'triangular underframe' malarkey? I hear it was one of Uncle Oliver's 'innovations'.
  16. Some new arrivals this past week. I need at least another 2 MKD TSOs really.. but they seem to be like the teeth of hens. A bit more wall has appeared, but boy is it ever boring to build.... about another 18" should see it up to the bridge abutments. When completed, it will be glued to the wall so will be properly perpendicular!
  17. A busy Sunday at the Castle... 088 is ready with a push-pull set and 077 is waiting for a path for the Cravens set. A bit more wall to do, but autumn us not really peak modelling season. In fact, this is the first time I've been in the shed for a month or so.
  18. I'm thinking there couldn't have been any fat drivers on the CIE back in the day - how did anyone fit through those narrow doors?
  19. I've had one of these ugly wee feckers on order since May. Now I'm thinking with the ferts, flats, an A class and the 121 all on order the Mrs Dr G-F may well be serving me with divorce papers as I spend the Junior Dr G-Fs inheritance on toy trains. Am I worried? Heck no, But if you fellas don't announce a MK3 push pull set soon I may cry like a week gurrl
  20. whoops, just pre-ordered set a and b...
  21. my word, more lovely wagons for me to buy. As soon as the order books is open I shall be bagging my sets. Splendid stuff... Now, what about an ex-BR Mk1 BSK SGV?
  22. My word, they're good. Even more pleased I shelled out for an extra set... now then Ferts next!
  23. Those containers are so swish, I ordered another pair of 42' flats with them to go with the Bell sets already ordered. I know what my OO gauge mails will be riding in this winter....
  24. Hi Jason, It's 1.5mm balsa sheet, 70mm high, with 65mm x 10mm x 1.5mm thick pillars on 50mm centres. All wrapped in ancient Superquick red brick paper. Proper old skule!
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