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  • Biography
    Started Model Railways when I was 6 years old when Dad got me/him a model railway set for Xmas, I have not stopped enjoying the hobby ever since. My first contact with the hobby was 13 years later with Young’s Model Railway in Fermoy Co Cork. An Aladdin’s cave of models but most of all was his help and assistance plus his layout that was at the back of the garden. I always spent hours there whenever I got the chance. Allot of time passed before I built a shed for the trains plus an outside layout. The shed was 35’ X 18’ and outside was 33 X 15 meters. All OO scale. I was a LMS man for a long time, and then I was introduced to the American railroad and the NMRA. DCC had just arrived over there and it was all the buzz. Purchased a few decoders and installed them (all hard wiring) I started with Lenz and still have them today. Later on sound was introduced and that changed the whole dynamic of Model Railway. Of course it was and still is expensive to convert to DCC but start with one loco and build from there. I always liked the continental models but boy they are expensive. Beautiful and graceful to watch. At the moment I carry out repairs and DCC conversions for 2 model railway retailers on the Island of Ireland. I sell American trains and some continental stuff plus if anyone wants to trade in models for new ones that is welcomed.


  • Interests
    Model railways, Repairs and DCC


  • Occupation
    The Train Man.

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  1. Think of all of those people with A rated houses that have no power. The green agenda strikes again. Will not have power until next Saturday and water 2 days later.
  2. Make sure that you disconnect the motor from the rest of the circuit, otherwise you will get a false result. Regards Brendan
  3. The following books are free to a good home. "The Complete Book of Locomotives" by Colin Garratt. A comprehensive guid to the worlds most fabulous locomotives, there history and development trough the ages. "Railway in Camera" 1860-1930 by Robin Linsley. Archive photographs of the great age of steam from the public record office "The Great Book of Trains" by Brian Hollingsworth and Arthur Cook. Featuring 310 Locomotives shown in more than 160 full-colour illustrations and 500 photographs. "The History of Trains" by Colin Garratt. "British Steam Railways" by David Ross. A history of steam locomotives-1800 to the present day. "The Memory Lingers On" by Mike Esau. More British railway working steam. "Model Magic" by Vic Smeed. A channel 4 book. "Model Railway Operation In Accordance With Prototype Practice" by C J Freezer. "Model Railway The Complete Guid To Designing, Building and Operating a Model Railway" by C J Freezer. "Advanced Model Railways" by Dave Lowery. The new problem solving manual for advanced layout variants and scenery construction. This lasts until the end of December. Postage and packaging to be paid by client.
  4. Thanks for the information gents, plenty to work on.
  5. Good Day all, Not an Irish setting so I do apologise before I start. I have a request to increase the no of cars on a Bachmann DMU class 108 BR Green which is a 2 car set to 4. However my knowledge on this subject is verry limited. I contacted Bachmann and they do not do centre cars that are separately available. My question is "Is there any RTR cars out there that can be purchased or cars that would pass if looked at a glance"? Regards Thomas
  6. Good Day, The question I would like to ask "Is there a sit down dedicated dining car on any of the railway routes today". I remembered way back (when Adam was a boy) one could get breakfast on the Dublin to Cork line early in the morning, served with silver cutlery and the food was excellent. Regards Thomas
  7. I used to travel once a month from Limerick Junction to Dublin during 1978/79. During that time breakdowns and delays were not uncommon. I noticed that there was always an engine standing on the siding at Limerick Junction ticking over and wondered why so!!. Well on one dark wet evening I plucked up the courage to ask one of the staff why. The response was very reassuring. He said that "It was the backup engine in case any of the Dublin Cork trains broke down". I replied "O that is a good idea, but why is the engine running all the time?" He said " If it stopped we would never get it started again".
  8. This question was probably asked before and answers given but what is the best sound chip for a 141 that is available today?
  9. This is my story on postage from England. Price of product £4.20. Postage £12. Irish Customs value €19.30. VAT €4.43. Admin Fee €3.50 Total paid on Irish transaction €7.93. Total €27.34. Great value!!!!!!.
  10. It looks like it is a NEM socket. Remove the coupling by pinching the 2 lugs that protrude out the back of the socket and pulling out the coupling at the same time.
  11. Thanks for the info on the lights gents but when did it switch over to the 2 lights?
  12. Sorry if this subject has already been covered but what indicator lights were fitted to the rear of early/modern CIE trains?
  13. Thomas


  14. That is great to hear we will be in contact. Re the Keg Liners, so you are not producing a second run? as was stated to him.
  15. That's sad. However looking for a full buffer beam for a Class 201. I wonder if there is anyone out there who might have broken/damaged Murphy models who might sell them?
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