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Posts posted by Dave

  1. I like the leaflet, if we put the web address on top in big letters than maybe underneath "Irish Railway Modeller needs YOU!"

    A couple of pictures on the bottom.


    What do ye think lads??

  2. A5 is the way to go, I do my price list and leaflet in A5. Keeping it online to download and print is a great idea. Richie can you do the artwork and maybe we can post it on IRM?

  3. Stephen you are to be congratulated for your work on developing this site. It is sometimes easy to overlook the considerable investment of time and money required to keep things going. We all appreciate your efforts. The site is doing wonders for promoting the hobby in Ireland, not to mention the fact that it is a great resource for experienced modellers and a source of encouragement for those (like myself), who have little in the way of skills or knowledge, but who are willing to 'have a go' and try start off in the hobby. Many thanks Stephen and I hope the site will continue to grow and expand into the future.


    Couldn't have said it better myself, I always promote the site with all my customers and at all the shows I do.


    Maybe we should do a leaflet, I would give them out at my stand to promote the site.

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