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Posts posted by Dave

  1. I'd say 18-24 months before they are like the current printer model. Nearly free printer (sub $200) with the margin in the cartridges.



    Yes, I would wait another year. But I am definitely going to get one.

  2. Well done Dave its a great layout. I love the sound of the 071 at the start - is that the new standard sound chip which became available recently? If it is I'm being very tempted to try get one. Thanks Dave.


    Cheers! Its a very small layout, but does the job for the time being. Yes it is the new Murphy Models chip. Well worth it, it ads a new dimension to the layout.

  3. Well the time has come, the pro box met our 3 year old so a new system is in order, i' m 99% sure its the Nce powercab i ll be going with.

    I ve a few questions before i make the move don t want to jump in with both feet like the select and dynamsis.


    1. If i buy the basic set, is it a matter of buying the 5 amp power transformer or do i have to get the full 5 amp pack.

    2. Any problems? I m not interested in controlling points or signalling had enough trouble getting my head around doing it with dc plus it ll have enough to deal with the 30 plus loco fleet and a rather large 5m x 4m layout.

    3. Can you get power boosters

    4. Existing chips MM, lenz gold and bachmann will they be ok?

    5. Can it receive upgrades etc like the hornby elite etc



    Hi Riversuir,


    Good choice, the basic 2.5amp system can easily be upgraded, but you do need the full 5 amp pack.

    I did quite a bit of research on this and all the forums that had posted about it everybody liked it and its proving to be a reliable system.

    You can get boosters but you need to split your layout into zones, but the 5amp system will run up to 7 or 8 locos at the same time.

    Existing chips are fine with it, as its NMRA compliant.

    Not sure about the upgrades though.

    Its a very easy to use system and setting up consists is a doddle.


    Best of luck with it :tumbsup:

  4. Hi Chaps,


    I have fitted a Shockwaves points position indicator, the only problem is it's not indicating the position of the points. When the point is switched power is sent to the PPI all the LEDs flash but it won't stay on, I have checked the wiring 3 times now and it is correct.

    Has anyone ever fitted one? Have you had any trouble with them?

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