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Everything posted by commerlad

  1. @DJ Dangerous 12mm gauge track is readily available from Peco, Shinohara, Bemo, (All HOm. )and now Hornby (TT 1:120), there are others Tomix (TT 1:120 Tram style inset in roadway segments ) etc. 00n3 is starting to be talked about again, Rolling stock kits from Roxey and Branchlines for IOM, Loco's from Branchlines. Irish rolling stock where do you start Parkside Dundas (and some members only from the 009 society) plastic kits for the T&D Plenty of Brass scratch aid stuff From Worsley Works covering a vast range of lines for locos and carriages, With the old Backwoods Miniatures ranges and Nineline's ranges having now been taken over and reintroduced by Neville Kent NDrive who intends to provide some RTR mechanisms as well as the kits. Other mech's can come from Mark Clark Loco's N Stuff Primarily a 7mm provider (But does do things in 12mm gauge) Halling Motor bogies can always be hidden by skirts on a tram loco or frames on a diesel. (NOTE LINK IS TO MY FAVOURED SUPPLIER OF THESE UNITS, OTHERS ARE AVAILABLE). Also with the advent of 3D printing there is a myriad of other stuff out there. If looking for vintage kits then Southwold, Rye and Camber and other systems were also covered. Take a trip over to 00n3modellers@groups.io Colin replied while I was typing.
  2. Hi Killian, They look nice, Only thing I will say is don't bother with the chopper couplings. ( Other firms already make them but to be honest they do not really work well at this scale. ) Most of us that are working in this scale gauge combination just use proprietary 009 couplings Mark.
  3. Try about 4 days ago I saw these at the weekend. when all the coaches and gen van were still at the 99p start price.
  4. Given the fuel tank size on an 08 ( 668 Imp Gallons / 3037 L ) either they fill up a lot as they only carry 6.9 hours worth of fuel, or someone has the figures wrong on the usage per hour.
  5. Watched when aired live. Instantly knew had travelled on that unit from the number as it was one of the regulars on the Sheffield to Skegness run. Proved right when at the end it pulled up at Skegness.
  6. Mac Lads were a bit tame. For really radio unplayable stuff look up DR Busker on You Tube. Regularly found at beer Festivals and Steam Rallies (and me in the crowd when I can be).
  7. My stock carrying boxes (locos and coaching stock at least.) are repurposed poker chip cases. Cheap 2nd hand EBAY and charity shop style. Just remove the chip tray and replace with a foam sheet. Once lid is closed items stay immobile until opened again (even when case is stood on side.)
  8. Over the weekend I went to the Macclesfield Model Railway Exhibition. I wanted a day out and saw that Glenties would be there. Not being too far away and an 00n3 layout to look at (Drool.! over ) I set off. On arrival not only was the above in attendance but also there was this beautiful expanse. Carrowbeg Video - The Carrowbeg Model Railway The owner is not on here But I have sent him a link and I hope he joins.
  9. Hobby Holidays are trying to fill the gap. This guy is local to me (I sometimes even empty his bins). The business is for sale but he is still trading and will continue to do so (He gets a better price on the business that way!) And A1 Models (Link is to Dundas models page as A1 do not have their own site and sell via EBAY otherwise) is now only 3 1/2 miles up the road.
  10. Hobby Holidays are trying to fill the gap. This guy is local to me (I sometimes even empty his bins). The business is for sale but he is still trading and will continue to do so (He gets a better price on the business that way!) And A1 Models (Link is to Dundas models page as A1 do not have their own site and sell via EBAY otherwise) is now only 3 1/2 miles up the road.
  11. Hi Andy. Have a copy of Pattersons, Gleaned some photos from disused stations, history sites (The derailment / crash ! ) etc. But am struggling after that. Do not have the Narrow Gauge Magazine Donegal special or the Michael Bunch Book. Will look out for them unless anyone else on here can help. Usual disclaimer of any postal costs etc will be covered should have made it into my first post on this of course.
  12. OK as it says above. In the possible hope that I may make a passable layout of a CDR location.
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