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Everything posted by snapper

  1. looking good
  2. Short clip of 461 in action [video=youtube;D1ZJ-_CZeRk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1ZJ-_CZeRk&feature=youtu.be
  3. Its a thing of beauty
  4. Steam Train Sunday 29th July Locomotive 461 and cravens coaches Connolly 10:55 Maynooth 11:37 12:20 Connolly 12:56 14:35 (train will go to Pearse yard to run around) M3 Parkway 15:13 15:55 Connolly 16:26
  5. Well there are a couple of reasons, they are air braked meaning the only thing that could pull them are a 141, the is not the space or man power to take on another running set, they have air-conditioning that does not like periods of non use, they need overhaul work and they cost money to buy. They needed major work when they were withdrawn.
  6. No idea but I doubt it. I do remember hearing something about one PP and a control car going to moyasta.
  7. Anybody got the cash to buy one, with purchase and transport costs I don’t think you would see much change out of 15k
  8. What code of peco track are you using?
  9. When I saw R761 R707 in the thread title I was thinking Hornby.
  10. Sweet, there is a halfords 5 minutes from me and I have a 15% discount card.
  11. They look like the thing for the job Another question for you guys, what do you recommend as a primer for painting on brass?
  12. As far as I know they still do the 201s but I think its a long time since a 111 has seen the inside of an IE shed.
  13. While it may not be a master piece I am happy with how its coming along considering its my first brass kit. Hopefully I will get the chassis finished tonight. A couple of learning points that might help anybody else thinking of doing there first brass kit. 1. Use plenty of flux, don't be stingy. It really helps the solder flow. 2. The T irons on the side of the van are rather fiddly and I would hold off doing them until you get a bit more comfortable with soldering 3. Cocktail sticks are your friend, they don’t get stuck in the solder as much at my metal tweezers 4. Mind your fingers, hot solder is hot
  14. For the next 24 hours Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012 is on sale a 90% on steam. That brings the price down to €2.99. or €3.49 with the Horseshoe Curve Expansion Pack. All of the DLC also has 50% off. great deal at that price http://store.steampowered.com/app/24010/?snr=1_4_4__sdd
  15. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before, I just gave a quick look at the driver eye view from Dublin to Cork. Cherryville junction and the junction at mallow for Tralee both have Hexagonal Yellow speed sign over black arrow on blue rectangular sign .
  16. That looks magnificent:-bd
  17. The triangle is advance warning of a temporary speed restriction, The start of the restriction will have a back “C” on a yellow board and the end of the restriction will have a black “T” on a yellow board.
  18. I think this is what you are looking for, Although I am sure I read about they changing them recently http://eiretrains.com/Photo_Gallery/Railway%20Stations%20C/Cobh%20Junction/slides/CobhJunction_20090716_020_CC_JA.html
  19. Thanks for that, I like late steam early diesel so I might pick it up
  20. They look wonderful, will be going on the wish list:-bd
  21. Irish Traction in Colour Book by Derek Huntriss, I was wondering if anybody has this book, is it any good? I have never heard of it before and just found it when looking for something else on ebay. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Irish-Traction-Colour-Book-Derek-Huntriss-HB-NEW-0711034591-LBS-/170843594813?pt=Non_Fiction&hash=item27c712603d
  22. studio scale models do transfers for cement wagons http://www.studio-scale-models.com/TFreight.shtml
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