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Everything posted by snapper

  1. speed signs Start of temporary speed restriction
  2. It actually looks like a composite coach, note the first class symbols on the first 4 windows and what look like standard seats in the rest of the coach.
  3. Hope you dont mind me adding a few more that I didn’t see here Distant
  4. A few pics of the tops
  5. Kit arrived this morning, just waiting on the solder now:D
  6. That sir is a thing of beauty
  7. Thanks for the complements guys. I actually just found a bunch of stuff on a backup cd that I thought I had lost so am sorting my way through that. More pics to follow.
  8. Well all the bits are on their way, I will post up pics when I start. Thanks for the help, Snapper
  9. Some more miscellaneous Signs and details
  10. Thanks, in the process of ordering one now:-bd (the break van that is)
  11. Is this the DVD you are talking about? http://www.model-railway-dvd.co.uk/right_track1.php
  12. Well in that case I think I have everything I need here except the solder and a kit. Where do you get your solder the only stuff I have here is 220. Where do you get your 120 solder? Thanks Snapper
  13. Well I have subscribed to that channel, the have some lovely layouts on there
  14. If only I had that much time and space
  15. I am planning at trying my hand at some brass kits but before I spend some money on the kits I am going to pick up some sheet brass and practice my joints. I was wondering what sort of thickness brass kits usually are. Also has anybody got any thoughts on using a soldering iron vs a micro gas torch? Thanks Snapper
  16. I presume there is a financial aspect to this as-well. For a younger person who may only have pocket money or a summer job paying 165 for a loco is a massive outlay. Heck even for people in full time employment its a large outlay, I can tax my car for 3 months for that:((. While bachmann and Hornby starter sets may represent excellent value for money progressing beyond this things can get rather expensive.
  17. Thanks:)
  18. Guess I should have posted here before posting elsewhere but anyhow hi guys.
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