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J-Mo Arts

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Everything posted by J-Mo Arts

  1. Happy new year all! I'm starting this year as I mean to go on, with a new Irish loco project. My collection of CIE Genesis coaches has doubled in size, and now that I have a branch line train consisting of Brk3rd/3rd/Comp/Brk3rd I've been looking a little harder for some appropriate motive power. @Killian Keane and I will be working together to make a CIE condition version of his gorgeous WLWR 0-6-0 once he has finished the original condition version. Killian, I believe, intends to sell prints of either version to anybody interested. However in the meantime I have been looking at the WLWR 0-4-4 tanks. I have a Met 1 to chop up and as it looks so similar to the WLWR tanks I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of these locomotives, particularly in CIE days? I believe Brian Boru is a pretty good match but I haven't seen any photos of that exact locomotive. Any pictures of these locomotives would be a great help! Many thanks and happy modelling in 2025!
  2. I'm afraid I can't claim any credit for that either, it's a Bachmann model! To answer your question, I should think the K1s would've encountered 6 wheel carriages at some point in their lives, although I highly doubt 388 in this Rosslare boat train livery would have done. I've seen photos of K1s on older bogie stock, perhaps akin to the Rapido Evolution coaches: I bought the Genesis brake 3rds for two reasons. One of which is using in short mixed trains, the sort of thing I'd enjoy running behind a tank engine with a few wagons. The other is to support Irish RTR, as the more popular steam-era Irish stock is, the more likely manufacturers will see there is money to be made in making models of the locomotives, wagons and coaches we like.
  3. Crikey, it's October 2024?! Please excuse the lack of posts over the past year, what modelling I've done of late has mostly been British or European. However with the recent arrival of the Hattons Genesis coaches I've been in a rather Irish modelling mood! I only bought the brake 3rd coach as at the time I wasn't really planning to model CIE era (the all-over grey locomotives really bore me) but I'm so impressed by these coaches (I bought two of the same) that I'm seriously considering bashing a few more locos. Perhaps a J15 from a Dean Goods as has been done a few times by others on the forum, plus I could do it in black...
  4. Hi all, Does anyone have a phone number or contact details for Murphy Models? I think the email address on their website is out of date? Cheers!
  5. Very tempting, David!
  6. Would this be an potential kit Killian? Hopefully someone knows something!
  7. See you there!
  8. That's coming together beautifully. Could the chimney be 3d printed?
  9. Thank you! The shot was taken at a really nice spot where we also caught Maitland light engine one rainy evening and a dinner service of Loch with Maitland banking. Alas the photos of Maitland approaching were too blurry (she was really getting on!) and those of Loch a bit closer too dark.
  10. Another trip away... This time to the Isle of Man and then on to Ireland including a week in County Donegal, mostly unfortunately inside as I came down with Covid picked up on the IoM, luckily nowadays a much weaker virus. Could this be the first locomotive back at Dungloe Road station since the 1940s? A fun (to me, anyway) photo and a genuine possibility. Luckily I did recover in time to visit the railway museum before I left the area, it was great to see Drumboe back where she belongs. The trip has really boosted my 00n3 modelling mojo and I'm really looking forward to making a start on a proper layout soon!
  11. Just found this thread and it reminded of my idea to repaint a VoR tank in NCC lake. If model rail ever release their 009 model... I think they have a slight passing resemblance to the NCC compounds, but it might just be me!
  12. That is simply incredible work Alan. At first glance having not read the text I thought it was a colourised photograph of the real thing. Your livery application is exquisite. I really love No.29, very inspirational to the rest of us BCDR fans.
  13. Thanks Alan! Yes, it was a real swine to do. I'd read somewhere that thinning the mortar paint with IPA would change the surface tension such that it will just flow into all of the cracks, unfortunately I couldn't find mine so used a drop of washing up liquid which did in fairness work though not as well as I'd hoped. So I still got it on the bricks in places and had to wipe it off again. The shed will get some weathering too and hopefully that'll make it a bit less obvious where it's not as well done.
  14. I don't suppose it's possible to have broad gauge on the top side and narrow gauge on the underside?
  15. I wonder where the S&S got a German metal bodied coach from... Little to report on the Irish front of late as I've been interrailing, including a wonderful excursion to the Harz and one to the Mollibahn (yes, I bought a 2-8-2 donor chassis for a 12mm gauge Molli...) which were amazing. It was great to get a feel of what the Irish narrow gauge may have been similar to as apart from Fintown I'd only previously been on standard and 2ft narrow gauge. I have however done a bit of weathering on some British stock: Pictured here on my WIP 00 gauge photo plank. Again not Irish, but I'll pose my Irish projects on it as I think they'd look better in scenery than not.
  16. Lovely work!
  17. Many happy returns David!
  18. Very well fixed, and well done for not destroying the thing in rage! Any sign of a dent in the buffer beam still visible could be explained as the result of a rough shunt? Very fine work as ever and well done for the skillful repairs
  19. As I have found, this is -with practice and your markers- a relatively easy task until a small crowd has gathered around the layout, at which point the magnets seem to vanish into another dimension...
  20. What a stunning model! Wish I had the skill to turn out something like that. She and 205 make a great pair.
  21. Thank you very much all for such a positive reaction! I'm so glad you like the model. Do you know what the livery post-Rosslare Boat Train would have been? I suppose the livery being wrong is no worse than the CIE Mk1s it pulls... I will learn for next time! Most uneducated BR modellers over here don't know what the correct livery is, so it's eye catching enough to be 'different' and if anyone calls me out on it I shall congratulate them for their excellent knowledge...
  22. Thanks both, much appreciated
  23. Well this is rather quaint! A while ago I sent David Hurst (aka Model Engine Works) drawings for the S&S trams in as-built and rebuilt forms and he promptly turned out some CAD. Fast forward more months than I'd like to admit and I ran off a pair as a test on my printer. I've finished the rebuilt one for now, pending adding a few details like the pipe which goes from the cab to in front of the smokebox- possibly for sandboxes or a governor system? It's a very nice design and I am looking forward to working on the as-built version as well!
  24. I never realised he made those kits! Oh no...
  25. The phone thing is just an edit feature in my gallery/camera roll, I've got a new phone which is a relatively up-to-date android. I'm sure there are apps you could download which give the same effect if you don't have it. It took a little bit of doctoring to get right as the phone struggled to detect the wall behind the layout as sky. Luckily my phone deemed enough wall to be sky-like for me to just crop the image closer to Boxhill. It's worth noting Blanche is under a real sky, not an edited one!
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