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Posts posted by Riversuir226

  1. I would love to see the on going build of the Beets Tom,as I only

    have 8 which are shapeways and hope to increase the wagon

    numbers at a later stage.

    No prob Eamonn, I ve these 3 awaiting the supports and another two at chassis level so I ll post up measurements etc as I do the last two DSC_0650_20140305192929089.jpg

    The rest of the rakeDSC_0649_20140305193823406.jpg

  2. DSC_0644.jpg

    The lady of the house showed me how to upload pics of my phone. First project is a few more beet wagons to bring my rake up to 12, dapol prestwin chassis with corrugated plasticard sides and plastistruct supports will eventually form the body.

  3. Two sides to what story??

    My decision is from me, not based on any friendship or stories, my laptop is out of action so I ve to rely on my phone, it's a bit hard to type not to mention post pics up, I ve three young kids plus a time consuming career plus I'm back on the road. I ve also a project which if comes to fruitition you ll all like.

  4. With a heavy heart I will be leaving the forum tonight, many thanks for all the helpful advice I have received from new and old members alike, the forum used to be fun but things have changed and not in a good way. We came here from the old sites with promises of good things but to be honest it's worse. So it's time for me to go

  5. Work began on prepping the Waterford mk3's for scrapping earlier today, windows are smashed on two coaches, first cut made on one. Scrapping seems to be happening behind the former goods shed.

  6. The lima ones are easier to repaint but lack detailed bogies, the hornby ones are pretty good but the repainting will take quite a while as all the windows need to be masked off. Shinkansen done a really good repaint on his rake, check out his workbench.

  7. For taras either scratchbuild or irish freight models are the only way. The mir taras are a nightmare to find and usually are pretty expensive. Mk3 coaches can be got on various facebook pages, the Virgin and gner ones are cheapest, the last set of 5 I got where around €50 including postage, decalwise ssm are very good and reasonable cost wise.

  8. Irish steel had its own system, shannonvale albeit horse power only, Waterford foundry had its own long siding for rail traffic which was used till the 1970's. Ifi Shelton Abbey and to a smaller extent Marino point in Cork.

  9. I don't think it's Lough Swilly engine, though that's an interesting theory (reaches for LLSR books!).


    Industrial certainly, given small coal capacity. Looks 4ft 81/2 to me, appears to have "dumb buffers" thus proving industrial ancestry.


    Could be anything in GB; the more I look at it the more I would think isn't Irish.

    Built by Sharp Stewart and later sold on to the Cork and Bandon who converted them to 4-4-0t. I ve seen that picture before but can t figure out where

  10. Projects for 2014

    Repaint & rebuild of a lima 201

    Mk4 rake

    Mk3 restaurant X2 and silverfox egv

    A rake of bubbles mix of scratchbuilt and an mir kit or two

    Timber wagons scratchbuilt

    Shale wagons scratchbuilt

    & with a bit of luck a few ammonias!!!

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