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Posts posted by Riversuir226

  1. The MM cravens are way better than any of the uk coaches on the market. The 141s are up there with the best of the uk locos the only possible uk loco to beat them is the class 6O from Hornby. Great to see you on the site Florijn.

  2. After rebuilding the bufferbeam and reattaching the detail bits, I turned my attention to the electrics, nearly all the pick ups had to be redone, the lighting worked intermittent at best on dc so a little work was required. For the handrails I made up some replacements using wire from sandwich bag ties and gave them a lick of paint to blend in with the originals. Finally I plucked up the courage to test it with the mm decoder after an hour of testing it under dc control and it worked:banana:


  3. Could have sworn I said "no more 201's unless it had 230 DSC_1117_20140425020311342.jpgon it ",but I couldn't resist another 201 project. Got a good deal on a cheapish 8208, always liked the newer enterprise livery so I decided what the heck!!. When I opened the box the words "oh dear" were uttered, the bogie frames were hanging off, bufferbeams,buffers damaged. Replacements from the bits box were needed for a rebuild and a full service was called for.

  4. cute pussies - cant see any wagons though:confused:

    Crazy cat lady page;), don't show the page to Glenderg memories of his nicked southern fried chicken drumstick might come back to haunt him.

  5. It shall be interesting to see what price this hits, from what I've seen of the studio scale models barrier wagon it looks better than the model irish railways one. The starting price is roughly the same as one of the ssm kits as is, it ll probably end up in the hands of a collector rather than a modeller

  6. I'm slowly building up a "preserved" cie era loose goods rake luckily I got some of the dapol wagons that marks models commissioned a few years ago but I'm always on the look out to add to the rake. A Kitbuilt dapol livestock wagon is the latest addition.



    Yep, 085 has this too. I think there is another one out there that's had similar treatment. Makes it far easier for us to spot!


    078 is the other one Fran:D

  7. The newer Mir kits were quite easy to build out of the box, with a little work they could be brought to a whole new level. George, Anthony and Scahalane all produced unbelievable results with these kits. Most of the ones I built the Ammonia, cement bubbles, container flats and the locos were as easy as an airfix basic kit and glue could be used as it was mainly resin, whitemetal and brass for the finer details. So if they were to be reintroduced all modellers should be able to build them. For an idea on there rtr price try the model shop Belfast site as they used to do them rtr to order.

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