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Everything posted by fitzguttentite

  1. fitzguttentite


  2. Looking for a 2700 set if anybody has one thanks
  3. have this soo lines but its N gareth thought you might like it fitz
  4. hi gareth anything in canadian ? southern pacific SD45 RS11 or a switcher something that can be Dcc Fitted thanks fitz
  5. Hi lads many thanks for the replys i wont be able to make the shows im afraid, due to distance and work etc was looking for one HO gauge American loco just for a project anything will do once its running and in decent condt as far as N Gauge ,looking for locos , stock,kits etc someone has to have some of this stuff laying around if anyone can put them folks in touch with me here i would appreciate it thanks again fitz
  6. Just wondering if anybody has any American HO or N Gauge items for sale if so please let me know thanks fitz
  7. Excellent show , was there sat for 45 mins { due to work } but really enjoyed it well done folks was going to say hello at stand 22 but the two boys were busy really enjoyed it , for the short time i had fitz
  8. Hi to all if anybody has any N Gauge American bits & pieces locos or kits etc,and if you want to sell them i will be at the show tomorrow stand 22 of course thanks fitz
  9. Hi lads long time no see how you all been i have to dispose of some of the fleet N GAUGE just posting them here if anybody has an intrest Both are boxed and are as new with little run time Atlas Dash 40B and Atlas B23-7 Both in Union -Pacific Livery asking 100 euro for both o n o pics available thanks Fitz
  10. thanks walter
  11. Hi Troops just wondering if anybody has any American N gauge for sale ? thanks
  12. Any American N Gauge items what have you got ?
  13. fitzguttentite


    Swap the 2 car transporters for any N gauge ? car transporter pics on the FOR SALE board
  14. Two car transporters with cars 15 euro plus post for the two pics attached HORNBY D C C SELECT CONTROLLER 60.00
  15. There are a few on the telly mein freund all RUSSIAN ones
  16. Gutten Morgen Heirflick vei geithz ahh if you had of seen it earlier you would have got it as i have said earlier i thought the forum was quiet i have not been on in a longtime sold everything all i have left now are youtube videos
  17. Hi to all as you all know i have left the hobby i have this item it is new and sealed in its box { BUT THE TRANSFORMER IS 110 VOLT } AMERICAN I have an offer on it of 180 euro so im just testing the waters if anybody has any intrest in it pm me thanks fitz ps, is it just my imagination or has this forum gone quiet where has everybody gone
  18. Sold to killucan thanks
  19. 50 euro plus post any takers
  20. Is he related to Kung Fu Kitty ?
  21. This what he said when you tried to get rid of him HA HA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxRX6LXDpWs
  22. any offers of its off to e bay
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