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Everything posted by fitzguttentite

  1. thanks dave
  2. Hi lads just wondering what sort of value is on this in the box and mint condt
  3. Del boy looks great on the signal box
  4. Water Floats a Ship ' Water Sinks a Ship , Grasshopper
  5. Be True To your Teeth , Or They Will Be False To You Shane mcgowan
  6. If you go down in the tunnell today , your,e in for a big supprise , BOOOO;) http://mid-atlantichauntings.blogspot.ie/2010/10/perkasie-tunnel-ghost-train.html
  7. Sulzer thanks for that , he is way over the mark on his price , i could grab a new set from portlaoise way cheaper but im just looking for a ,cheap, used .loco . battered ,and used, { im not fussy ] once its a runner thanks again fitz
  8. Anthony so sorry to hear of the loss of your father thoughts are with you and family
  9. hi lads im looking for a cheap N Gauge diesel anybody got any ? fitz
  10. Merry Christmas to all
  11. Brake fluid does the job just fine but i heard a whisper that oven cleaner is also excellent ?
  12. earlier comment noted trust is a good thing i trust in brake fluid can get cheap brake fluid off yer man down the road i trust him too:banana:
  13. Thanks for the pics jack
  14. Thanks lads off to halfords in the morning
  15. Hi lads any ideal on removing original paint from a shell ? whats the best way to go about it ? any advice greatly appreciated thanks fitz
  16. Never argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience:cheers:
  17. A few pics of the C P holiday train
  18. Pat, thanks for sharing that
  19. Was flicking through the t v last night and saw a film on BBC 1 Transiberian Good Film had a bit of train action in it , but what i was curious about was a section in the film where the train crosses from China into Russia [ They have to change the bogies on the carriges ? ] found this on you tube fitz
  20. Dave i think TRAINWORLD.COM have a few thomas specials http://www.trainworldonline.com/catalog/starter-sets/deluxe-thomas-with-annie-and-clarabel-loco-wmoving-eyes-00644
  21. Two 99,s with flakes please
  22. Hi Mayner yes a nice yard in billings was there a few times i like the livery on the locos although spent most of my free time up at the passes in the cascades in wa state also hiked into MONTE CRISTO and saw the ghost town which still has a few rails left fitz
  23. God i love that girl { she has not sat down for 6 months } i wish my mrs was like that
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