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Everything posted by fitzguttentite

  1. chessie ready for the scrap heap
  2. yes anthony its the older one
  3. ok anthony will do thx its like a torch running around the track should be able to fit a decoder in it will have a scanty on the american sites and see what comes up someone out there must have done one fitz
  4. No anthony all the locos are DCC except that one i may search around for info on dcc fitting for that model fitz
  5. Anthony i will try get a few more pics up tonight , damm computer and bluetooth driver problems i put that chessie on the rails and its smooth [ little used i guess } it aslo has cab light and rear light and they are bright really bright , all in all a nice little job for the price fitz
  6. yes fran a sweet little runner, another flebay steal at 12 bucks plus shipping also got a few mckean box car kits fran trying to load a few more pics { bluetooth probs } fitz
  7. Quick pic of the chessies
  8. thx wrenn
  9. Down in the graveyard in NEVADA engines off ready for the scrap heap what a shame
  10. Anybody ever fly with this Airline ? yo yo fasten yo seatbelt
  11. Hi lads im looking for a cheap N GAUGE diesel loco if anyone has one that they want to part with give me a shout thanks
  12. Item is now sold thanks boskonay
  13. How about Hornbys DCC SELECT SYSTEM cheap and cherreful on flea bay ?
  14. Bachmann plasser d c c ready as new { boxed } kaydee couplers OPEN TO OFFERS
  15. Found this online http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160998/Largest-collection-model-trains-goes-auction.html what a collection
  16. coach is now sold
  17. one buffer missing from coach make a decent offer ?
  18. Hi lads the locos are sold but he could not afford the coach so its up for sale any offers ? i have the box { but not the wrapper } let me know or its off to evilbay thanks fitz
  19. Items are now sold
  20. 2 x bachmann murphys 141/181 factory weathered locos both fitted with dcc 1 x murphys mk11 restaurant coach i may have the boxes [ i cant promise ] 230 euro including postage { firm } sorry i will not split theese all must go together fitz
  21. Unreal just unreal because of a win against part timers and because no money to pay him off SOMETHING STINKS ?
  22. my RANT is over thanks to all for the banter i will await the outcome like the rest of us thanks for the input lads fitz
  23. yeah the crew is from Kilkenny heading up river for some shore leave and a few pints in ballyhale=))
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