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Retro Herbie

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Everything posted by Retro Herbie

  1. Thanks, the model really is a beauty, she begged me to weather her but Sir Patrick of Murphy would have killed me so I had to firmly resist the temptation. Rich is spot on the fishplates are p4 com used on Peco code 75, pics are taken on a Canon 400Digital SLR, other than adding the text marker and reducing the file size for the web upload the photos are as taken and have no manipulation. The pics are taken on a small super detailed show layout I am building for the Cultra show called Abingdon Drive. It represents the Belfast to Dublin mainline just off the Donegal Road. If time allows I might stick some progress pics in the layout sub forum.
  2. yep shes on display
  3. Some shots of 112. Enjoy
  4. Lovely! Really looks the part, the UTA units hes done look amazing too
  5. Yep his etch windows are a great job, bratchells do prepainted windows now makes life a lot easier!
  6. You speak my language Rich! Using the centre cars of bratchells and using the driving cars cut up to be made into 450 power cars, all bratchells stuff is injection moulded rather than resin so works great.
  7. Cheers folks, haven't seen the worsley works kit up close but if their other kits are anything to go by it'll be a great job. They normally have a stand beside us at cultra in November, very helpful blokes and worth having a chat to.
  8. The platforms look class, love the site of the two car on the big empty platform just looks 'right' BTW i use smooth it all the time, a fantastic product.
  9. and a right pain in the ass to do!
  10. Both ends are the same as its a 150/1 the ends are quite different than an actual 450 but ive painted it in such a way that it creates a bit of an optical illusion to make it look like a 450. The 150/2's we're coverting to 450s will be a perfect representation of a 450 including accurate power cars and full sound
  11. Thought this may be of interest, was asked to do a 450 in current NIR livery, couple of pics taken this evening, still web address, phone number and running numbers to be added but shes not too far off now. This is just a straight respray of a Bachmann 150/1 two car with no body mods. Ive three 150/2s on the work bench to be heavily modified to make three, full three car 450 units, two in current livery and one in previous translink livery. Will post pics of them as they progress.
  12. 112 is on display in the Model Shop Belfast for those who want a close up look. An absolute beauty of a model
  13. I'm liking your thinking Bosko!
  14. Brilliant pics, cheers for posting
  15. No, read what it says. Price is expected to be As Paddy has said a hundred times the RRP price will be similar to the 201s. The price will only be confirmed when the models are close to dispatch. It could be £135 it could be £145. It will also be dependent on the euro sterling rate too, at present the stronger pound gets against the euro the lower the sale price will be. Same happened with the auto ballasters, few people on here shouting about what it would be and making a whole song and dance, in the end they were completely wrong.
  16. 112 recently hauled a flat wagon with a 4x4 pickup strapped to the back of it and multiple cameras mounted in the back of the pickup. Would be a truely unique one to model.
  17. Looks the job Vincent, always run a coach or wagon over before gluing to make sure all rails are clear.
  18. Simple Anthony Modelfair will have decided to cut ribbons out of it to get cash flow in. Other english box shifters will do the same they set something with a shelf life then wipe out the price to clear stock. They only take very small amounts of stock to start with so its not a big hit to them even if at times a run as a loss leader. Your question is understandable but highly simplistic.
  19. They are both the same sound file, they were originally produced on LOK sound decoders but as the cost of V4 Lok Sound increased the decision was made to produce them on Zimo decoders meaning the retail on them is under £99 sterling where as the same on a Lok Sound would be nearly £135. Only difference in running between the two decoders is the notch up / notch down function is on the Lok Sound and not on the Zimo
  20. Lovely work Seamus, looks the part!
  21. Great pics, thanks for posting
  22. leave it with me and ill see if i can get a response from bending the spoons! She may have already left as they rarely hang about
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