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Retro Herbie

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Everything posted by Retro Herbie

  1. Yep, the aerial shot shows the old ground level path that crossed the tracks in the yard. It's a bit difficult to see if you aren't familiar with the area
  2. Hi Josef I've a map here showing the route from Adelaide, http://modelshopbelfast.com/boucher-retail-park (scroll to the bottom if the page) when you come off the train walk down the platform and over the new blue and yellow metal footbridge, this brings you to the corner of Apollo Road and Falcon Road and the entrance to the old Guinness yard is to your left. It's now a perm way yard. Walk straight ahead to the traffic lights, turn right then turn left and that's you in Boucher Crescent. Once you round the curve in Boucher Cres you'll see our sign, go through the first door at Gino NV and we are beside Burger King. Don't go anywhere near tates ave from Adelaide, that takes you way out of the way. The bus route is number 92, I haven't used it myself but a lot of customers do and say its a quick run. There's also a pic of outside at http://www.modelshopbelfast.com I've another sign going on the front of the building next week, its vinyl and needs to be heat bonded on site but so far the weather has been too cold to put it up! Look forward to seeing you
  3. Great vid! Now if I could just crack getting the lights to dim in sequence to the engine turnover I'd have it exactly the way I want it. Btw for those who haven't heard the new 071 decoders we've changed quite a bit on them from the original 071 decoders. New horns (as heard in Seamus's video) new engine recordings, all new wheel flange squeal. 071 decoders come with IE station announcements (special mention goes to Wiggy and his excellent videos for the IE announcements) and 111 decoders come with NIR announcements. Will do a new sample video for the decoders soon.
  4. Cheers, shop and all that goes with it keeps me so busy I'm on here far too little these days. Hope everyone is keeping well! Thanks for the comments, all went very smoothly and mother and child are keeping well. Shop build continues at pace, opening next Tuesday (12th)
  5. I was working in Co Waterford for Dúchas that year, she seemed to be there all the time!
  6. Lovely! Happy Christmas, apologies I didn't get a chance to chat the other day!
  7. So subtle but so effective
  8. How on earth did you get those words into the same sentence? I assume you just forgot to run the spell checker?
  9. Like to be sure!! BTW for those who aren't on our facebook site - http://www.facebook.com/modelshopbelfast here's a recent update we posted re sound decoders Quick update on all Irish sound decoders as plenty of people are asking. We are currently awaiting a substantial amount of blank decoders form Zimo, we had hoped to have these last week but they have been slightly delayed. We received a very small number of decoders a few weeks ago, these were mapped up and then sent to customers who had preordered. We have sent them out strictly on the basis of when customer orders were placed as this is the fairest way. If we receive the Zimo delivery before Christmas the time taken to map and test each decoder means they won't be ready until the new year. Where possible we have sent out partial orders so people have at least one of their decoders before Christmas. We'll keep everyone posted when we receive the next delivery from Zimo. We appreciate everyone is keen to get their hands on their decoders and as soon as Zimo deliver the blank decoders to us we will do turnaround as quick as is physically possible, cheers for your patience.
  10. Beautiful stuff! Buildings really are fantastic
  11. Eh? If you are having probs registering drop me a PM
  12. F2 is short horn on our decoders so all will work fine. The decoders have up to 17 working functions on them so check your firmware is up to date to give you the full range
  13. Agree with Kirley and Garfield, also throw two cravens and two bogie cements on the test trains, cravens are a wide beast compared to mrkIIs and mrkIIIs
  14. Absolutely superb! Cheers for posting
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2246467/Rage-latrine-Commuter-fury-Polish-train-gets-cold-toilet-freezes-THREE-inches-ice.html Sounds like the Larne line before the 4000s arrived
  16. Amusingly my background is in hifi, was involved in the highend stuff before buying the shop and have plenty of experience with Linn and Naim gear. In fact it's were myself and Kirley first crossed paths. With regard to the speaker and decoder you are spot on in your assessment, we were involved with the spec of the speaker for the loco and the best possible option was fitted as standard, we then tweaked the decoder for optimum sound to ensure the decoder is as close to plug and play as is physically possible. We've also fitted out a base reflex to do a comparison, the easiest way is to remove the fan housing and fans from inside, screws hold the housing in place and the two fans rest on two upright pins on the housing plate, they are not fixed or screwed. My personal opinion is the negative of losing the fans is greater than the minimal difference of the speaker change so its not worth doing.
  17. Drooooooooooll that looks the absolute dogs! Looking forward to hearing 112 thundering over Craigmore.
  18. Cheers for that Rob, much appreciated! A lot of time and effort has gone into making sure the decoder is 'right' We've been going flat out to get everyone's orders out and they are still being shipped as we speak. Instruction sheets will be landing in everyone's inboxes this evening as we didn't want to delay shipping to people. Will put up a more detailed post later.
  19. Starting to take shape rightly now
  20. All 112s were released on the launch day. There are no more 112s to follow its just the outstanding amounts of 071 and 082
  21. See no reason why not, ive been mainly test running it with the sound decoder to make sure everything on the decoder is running as it should be. If a get a min over the weekend ill pop in a lenz and test it
  22. Yep, she still carries them today
  23. Not quite Irish but well worth a watch. The history of the Intercity 125. Sorry no advance warning just in the door and spotted it was on
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